Weekend Reflections: My Little Princess Tiger Girl

Tiger Girl

Tiger girl is 26 months old this November. I’ve seen a drastic change in her since she turned two. Nope I ‘m not talking about the terrible twos and toddler tantrums but her physical and mental progression. I consider two years old as a really magical age for a child.

Within these two month she has progressed from speaking in simple sentences  to complex sentences. She  can hold her own two way conversation with me and  is able to tell exactly what she wants. Tiger girl is also singing more different nursery rhymes in both English and Mandarin. This little girl simply loves singing and will break out into songs whenever we are travelling  together in the car. Sometimes she would request that I sing along with her while on other occasions she would be singing alone.

Tiger girl is able to recognize alphabets and simple words. She can also spot and recognize numbers from 1-20. It amazes me when she suddenly starts pointing to words or numbers that she sees around here when we out and loudly exclaims  “That’s a Number 5!” or ” That’s an Apple!!”  Her learning has accelerated a lot these few months and she seems to have grown up and matured a lot since hitting the big 2.

My little girl has her own fashion preference and  would pick out her own attire if we were going out. She has a liking for items in pink or purple and loves Care bears and Hello Kitty. She also loves playing trains and guns with her brothers and  the three of  them can hole up in the boys room for hours playing together.

Do you notice a drastic change in your child  after he/she turned two?


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