Friday, November 2, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up- November 2

Here it is Friday again and what a week this has been.  We are very blessed, as we remained unscathed from the horrible storm.  All around us is devastation and many are still without power.  The New Jersey coastline is no longer as we all remember it.  Our prayers and thoughts are with all of them who have lost their homes.

Monday while the storm was raging, we didn't do much schoolwork.  We watched, waited, prayed and just were thankful for being safe.

I did publish my "Make Life Meaningful Monday" post about our amazing family retreat last weekend.  It was an extraordinary experience.

On Tuesday, the kiddos and I did some baking for Halloween.  We made Kiddo #1's Cocoa Fudge Cake and some sugar cookies.  The Cocoa cake was also my recipe that I shared in Tuesday's post.  You can see it here.

You can see more pics of our cookies and cake baking here, in my Wordless Wednesday/Thankful Thursday post.  I also reflect upon the devastation that is all around us and how grateful I am to be safe with my family.

Wednesday was Halloween, but with the storm damage of much of the neighborhood without power, the townships all requested that trick or treating be postponed until Saturday.  My husband had the wonderful idea to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese.  We were all able to eat and play together.  It was a fun night.

Thursday had us back at our work and classes at Church.  There was no Civil Air Patrol for Kiddo #1 due to power outages.

On Friday, we worked on our various lessons, Kiddo #4 continued on her Colonial tradesmen project and Kiddo #2 started on his state studies.  This is definitely my favorite resource this week.  I was lucky to be able to get it for free from the Notebooking Nook.  There are numerous sheets for every state and include geography, state symbols, state quarters, history and so much more.  He started with the first state alphabetically, Alabama, and will work his way to Wyoming.  :-)

What I'm reading: I purchased "Whispers from the Cross: Reclaiming the Church through Personal Holiness" on retreat and am looking forward to starting it this weekend.

What I'm praying for: all of those who lost their homes during the storm, our military, our nation, those who are unemployed, ill, or suffering....

A quote or photo to share:

Here is Kiddo #4 with candy legos that were in a gift basket from her aunt and uncle for Halloween.  She got a real kick out of the fact that she could actually build with them!  :-)

Thank you to everyone who has already entered my little giveaway.  I am so excited to have been given an autographed copy of a work of Christian fiction to be read with your families for Advent.  If you still haven't entered, there are a few more days left.  You can see the post here.  Thanks!  :-)

Hope everyone had a good week and for those of you with us on the East Coast, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!  God bless!

Linking up today with:  Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-UpNOBHShow-Off FridayLearn and Link and It's a Wrap and Friendship Friday. Favorite Resource and Look What We Did


Karen said...

Hey! That's our state. :) Yes we are praying for everyone too. I haven't heard from Theresa have you? I would have liked to see that Pumpkin cake. Did you make it? Stuff like that always messes up when I try it. :) Chuck E Cheese was a great idea! How fun. Love the candy legos! Happy weekend sweet friend.

Kirsten @ homeschool discoveries said...

A friend got some of those candy legos this summer and kindly shared them with us...I think they are about the coolest kind of candy I've ever seen! :-)

Mary said...

Cocoa Fudge Cake?? Yum!

Anonymous said...

Glad that y'all are safe and you had a beautiful week together:) Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Glad that y'all are safe and you had a beautiful week together:) Blessings!

Susan said...

I'm glad you came though the storm safely. It does look like you had a great week!
Thanks for linking at Favorite Resources :)

Savannah McQueen said...

Thanks for linking up to HammockTracks. I hope you'll return this week.

Heidi said...

You had me at Cocoa Fudge Cake! LOL! I love anything chocolate! The storm has devastated so many, so glad to hear you are all safe. Thanks for linking up with us over at NOBH!