Rock Climbing with Beyond Academics

Doggie boy and me

Over the weekend we we invited to try out the rock climbing  with Beyond Academics. It was the 2nd time that the boys are doing rock climbing and the first time for R and me.

Monkey boy climbing

Monkey boy was the first one up the wall. He gleefully tackled the wall and made it all the way up under the supervision of the instructor.


Doggie boy climbing

Next up was Monkey boy. He was not as confident as his brother and decided to stop the climb halfway up the wall. Maybe when he is older he will try doing the whole height of the wall.

climbing the wall

I went third and tried cheering Doggie boy on by going up the wall next to him.  It started to get difficult to scale up the wall as I approached the overhung. I decided to call it a day and not proceed all the way to the top as my energy level was nearly depleted from hanging on the wall using my hands to support my body weight. My arms ached slightly the next day due to the exertion but it was worth trying out rock climbing.

R climbing the wall

R was the last one to scale the wall. The too attempted to go all the way to the top and failed tackling the overhung. I guess we need to build up more stamina before trying rock climbing again.

The instructor Chee Beng gave us many tips on how to properly scale the wall. He also told me how Monkey boy could properly position his leg so that he could get the maximum lift when he exerted pressure on his leg.  He had stepped on the rock in the center in some places and he should be using the front of his foot instead as it will help him better to push off and move up the wall when he moves his feet.


To learn more about Beyond Academics  and rock climbing do check out their website.


Disclaimer: We were invited by Beyond Academics for a fun weekend afternoon to try out their rock climbing facilities. All opinions are 100% my own.