
Monday, April 9, 2012

Gift Counting

I started to count gifts in this beautiful, small journal about a year and a half ago, after reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.  I'd followed Ann's blog for a while, reading her gorgeously pieced words that eloquently reflect her innermost thoughts on life and faith.  I'd wanted to see life differently, and wanted to see if I, too, could be changed by giving thanks.  So I started listing and I can attest that things started changing.  In the process of giving thanks for what is, something happens.  There is a transformation that occurs when thanks is lifted up and given.  It is not always easy to do, this thanksgiving, but the results are worth it. 

The journey has been a tilling of the soil, of watering dry land, of breaking the whole into bits and pieces that gleam light through fragmentation.  As I look back at my list, the numbered thanks, I remember many good things.  This is an enjoyable practice, one that is worth keeping - there is no stopping once it has been started.

It is helpful to keep my journal here on the counter, in one of my spaces, easily accessible and visible.  Today I celebrate reaching #1,000 - serving the God who overlooks my sin and keeps my tears bottled - and going beyond as I continue counting. 

Here I recall insights shared by my son last year, in which he and I pondered on the miracle of Jesus' breaking the fishes and loaves into so many pieces,
and he sat there, my thoughtful son,wondering how this could have happened, insisting that "Something must have happened when Jesus broke the bread and the fish!? Maybe He was able to pull more out of the pieces He broke!?" -  and I've experienced this occurrence while performing Eucharisteo: breaking moments into words in which we express our thanks to God for all the goodness He's given.  
One thing becomes more things, because He multiplies our moments into more than what they are on the surface. In one thing, there are more things. Everything, more than it appears to me. It is a fulfilling way to experience life, it is a new way to see.

As I experience this for myself, listing thankfulness - I live it,  I learn it, through experience.  I highly recommend the gift counting.  It is not always easy to do.  I do not always feel like it.  I go days and weeks listing nothing.  But I made it to the #1,000 and surpassed it and it is a landmark and it is worth celebrating, and I plan to continue counting.


  1. I'm so inspired by this post and so glad that I found you from Inspire Me Monday. That is a fabulous idea and a way to really respect all of the little things that make life wonderful.

    If you would like, I invite you to visit me back over at :

    1. Thank you for your positive comment, and I'm going to visit your place now!

  2. Starting a gratitude journal was one of the best things I've ever done!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for visiting me here! Blessings to you too. Smiling that you also find such a wonderful experience in giving thanks.

  3. Congrats on reaching 1,000! What a milestone! To think, there are thousands more graces left to be counted. Blessings to you!

  4. Hi Brianne! Absolutely love what you're doing here. I've yet to start my own gratitude journal where I actually number each item, but you've really inspired me now. Thanks for your visit and thanks for sharing your own gift bless me.

    Vicki @ Light for the Creative Soul

  5. Just had to stop over and meet you, Brianne. Do you know counting thanks changed my life? Isn't HE grand? Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here.

  6. Yes, congrats on reaching and surpassing 1,000. I am also not so good at remembering to do it every day and so my gift counting has been a slow, gradual process. But I'm determined to get better at it. Thanks for stopping by...and Happy Resurrection celebrating to you too!

    1. I'm determined to make it more of a ritual, too, instead of counting in stops and starts.

  7. Congrats for passing 1000 and thank you for sharing this wonderful post at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy! I am currently reading Ann's new book so this really resonated with me this week!

    Congrats also for being one of my features this week at Inspire Me Monday!

    Create With Joy

    1. Thank you so much for featuring me! I'm excited about that and glad that my post resonates with you as you read through Ann's book.

  8. What a beautiful share! So glad that I found you through Create With Joy! Congrats on your 1000!
    I also love linking with Ann and listing my gifts...I made a special journal (that is a hobby of mine!) with the downloadable pics she offered recently!

    1. I am glad you found me too! I have to go visit your blog now, especially to find the journals you make and see them. I want to start doing that!
