Wordless Wednesday ~ It’s not over yet! ~ {with linky}



  1. Megan @ Potato Chip Cats says:

    I’m jealous! I missed winter entirely

    • It’s very pretty and I would miss it too, however, if it would just arrive in December and leave in January…that would be perfect!!

  2. orangeheromama says:


  3. Kathy White says:

    Oh some days, it doesn’t take much to confuse me. I think this is going to be fun.

  4. It seems that way, but it looks pretty… Thanks for linking up at http://photolifesite.blogspot.com/

  5. commonweeder says:

    We are expecting more than a foot of snow today – the biggest snowfall since Halloweeen!

    • It is a bit depressing when it arrives this late in the season, but there always seems to be a March storm…but, more than a foot, that’s a lot of snow!!

  6. but it is almost over!!

  7. Soon. Hopefully real soon!

  8. Danielle @Royalegacy says:

    I live in a high altitude desert, and I would love to get some snow for this year.

  9. I am supposed to live “in the greatest snow on earth” state. AND we have no snow in the valleys. **also I am you newest follower, please stop by!

    xoxo, bree

  10. Mwa ha ha! We just went through a storm like this. I consoled myself by thinking about the fact that it’s almost March. It can only last so long!

  11. We are wedged between the systems and it’s 63 degrees right now.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  12. Catherine Kelly-White says:

    Such a pretty view from your doorway. Randy and Shannon (yes, I know she was out there, too) did a great job shoveling.

    • Thanks Kathy and you’re right, Shannon is a trooper, she’s always right out there helping her dad shovel!!

  13. Jennifer says:

    we are getting a lot of snow today!

    • Oh no…well, if it’s any consolation, the old saying for the 1st day of the month is “in like a lion, out like a lamb”, so let’s hope it only improve from here on!

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