Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Orca Bay Mystery Quilt

I've always enjoyed making mystery quilts and Bonnie Hunter over at quiltville is running a mystery quilt again this year.  Bonnie is well known for having lots and lots of small piecing in her quilts and this one is no exception.   There have been three sets of instructions so far and this is how much progress I have made.

Bonnie's says this quilt is "only" medium size, but it's still bigger than I normally make so I'm starting with about half of the number of units that she suggests.  (I was still a bit daunted by the thought of making 175 half square triangles, but it actually went quite quickly!)  I can make more later if I need to; there's still lots more 2" strips to use up!
This time last year we were making Roll Roll Cotton Boll as a mystery quilt  This is what my (smaller) version turned out like.  I love it and so does the person I gave it to.
Thanks Bonnie, for your generosity. 


  1. Oh looking great! Love Cotton Boll, very nice work. This mystery is my first with Bonnie and I am loving it.

  2. I'm always afraid of trying smaller on a mystery, but I must say your RRCB turned out perfectly !

  3. Your blocks look marvelous! I love your RRCB version as well.

  4. Your Roll Roll cotton ball looks wonderful. Great job - mine is still in a box - waiting to be sewn together.

  5. I made the smaller version of RRCB too. I think mine was one row longer though. I had already done all the step 1 and step 2 so I'm making another from the leftovers, but changing up the colors some. I love it too, so I kept mine, lol.

  6. Good work on the HST, just love the roll roll cotton boll quilt. I hope this mystery turns out as well :)

  7. Love your Roll Roll Cotton Boll quilt. This is my first mystery quilt with Bonnie, but I'm hooked. Can't wait to see how this one comes out and what everyone's versions look like.

  8. Love your RRCB too! Didn't do this one as a mystery, but might make it when it comes out in Bonnie's book later in the year :)
