Orca Bay and Inklingo!

What fun! I mean to see the folks using Inklingo. I mean with their latest Mystery Quilt, Orca Bay, by Bonnie Hunter. I, however, am not doing Orca Bay (full disclosure). But I like watching!  In case you are wondering what Inklingo HST’s look like  (or anything Inklingo) looks like on the back of your fabric – here it is:

Inklingo HST's

I stopped using papers a long time ago.  The one and ONLY thing I’ve had to get thru my thick head is this: ALL INKLINGO SIZES ARE THE FINISHED SIZE. I use patterns and rarely do I find a finished size. I’m always having to work it out. I have a chart for this if you need it, let me know.

Here are some of my HST projects…

This one below includes HST’s for the Flying Geese, too.

More HST’s but kinda tiny so Inklingo was a real saver.  Since the lines are printed on the back of your light fabric it’s so easy to sew straight.

And they’re fast. I printed the onto the fabric and sewed this little piece together in about 3 hrs.  For me, that’s blastin’ fast!

This is my Flying Geese project. I’ve worked with I think maybe 4 different methods (not sure on that) but I’m now just going Inklingo because it’s so accurate.

There are all sorts of amazing things you can do with Inklingo and if you’d like to peruse someone with a whole amazing library of works try Cathi.


2 thoughts on “Orca Bay and Inklingo!

  1. Teresa

    Thanks for the info on inklingo. This is on my list for new things to try in 2012. Your blocks look great!

  2. Karen

    I love seeing all your works in progress. I haven’t tried Inklingo yet, but it sure looks easy! I’ve started one of the steps of Orca Bay – just barely!

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