Dashing Giveaway- $15 Amazon Gift Card

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This hop is hosted by our friend, MamatheFox.

Welcome to our very last hop of the year! We are excited to have you hopping from site to site with us! The more hops you enter, the more prizes you can win!

How the Hop Works:

Start by entering our giveaway. Once you have entered our giveaway, scroll to the bottom of this page and take your time hopping to each of the blogs, entering as many giveaways as you would like. That’s it!

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About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. I’m looking forward to new opportunities

  2. I am looking forward to the arrival of our 2nd child!

  3. fmd518@gmail.com' Francine Anchondo says

    Going on vacation.

  4. I’m looking forward to maybe getting a pet.

  5. I am pregnant … so I am looking forwarding to meeting my baby!

  6. looking forward to better health for my family and friends

  7. I am looking forward to being a 3 time Aunt next year!!

  8. wghutton@hotmail.com' wendy hutton says

    looking forward to the snow melting lol

  9. I’m looking forward to spending more time with my grand kids!

  10. I’m looking forward to a cruise with my daughter.

  11. cshell090869@aol.com' shelly peterson says

    I need to get healthier.

  12. I am looking forward to a family reunion

  13. flaka94china@gmail.com' Marisela Zuniga says

    I’m excited for my son to start kindergarten next year!

  14. I am looking forward in 2020 to new adventures and meeting new people.

  15. I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter graduate high school in 2020

  16. I’m looking forward to all the great sci fi coming up! Especially The Magicians and Picard <3

  17. nikkismartin@gmail.com' NICOLE MARTIN says

    I a m looking forward to a trip to Mall of America!

  18. I’m looking forward to hopefully being smoke free.

  19. progress001@msn.com' Dan Dykstra says

    I am looking forward to my 3rd grand child! Coming in May 2020!

  20. I’m looking forward to meeting up with an old friend.

  21. music4heaven@yahoo.com' Ashley Chassereau Parks says

    I am looking forward to selling our rental house! I can’t wait to get it on the market.

  22. my trip to Maui. Remember always wear sunscreen

  23. I’m looking forward to my trip with my sister.

  24. janell58@gmail.com' Janell Wagner says

    Making friends in my new town

  25. Eviltreefrogs@aol.com' Kristen Joiner says

    I’m looking forward to hopefully getting surgery so that I’m no longer in pain. 🙂

  26. slgm71@hotmail.com' stacey mccrary says

    Two more kids graduating and hopefully leaving the dang house!!!!!!!

  27. more books to read

  28. I’m looking forward to our summer beach vacation in 2020!

  29. I’m going to Italy in April!

  30. I’m looking forward to my annual family beach camping trip!

  31. I’m looking forward to fixing up (and then staying in) the cabin we just bought that needs LOTS of TLC

  32. going to disney world

  33. wmj@telus.net' Wendy Jensen says

    In 2020 I am looking forward to the birth of a Grandson.

  34. I look forward to our summer vacation.

  35. owen.darlene@gmail.com' Darlene Owen says

    I am looking forward to enjoying more time with my 8 grandchildren.

  36. upstatemissy@gmail.com' Melissa Storms says

    I am looking forward to visiting my father in law in Florida in late March. Hopefully by the time we get back to NY the worst of winter will be gone.

  37. pumpkinsfan76@gmail.com' Shannon Holmes says

    Looking forward to a great new year

  38. laurenpeterson2014@gmail.com' Lauren Peterson says

    I’m looking forward to being out of debt and making smarter money choices.

  39. I’m hoping that things will be better for my sister and I next year.

  40. I’m looking forward to my niece growing and becoming even more curious about the world.

  41. laceylong27574@gmail.com' DailyWoman (Lacey) says

    My son’s graduation.

  42. Looking forward to exciting adventures.

  43. cacram81@yahoo.com' Charity Cram says

    I look forward to hopefully having a healthier year, after a really rough 2019. Thank you for the chance to win!

  44. jessicapeeling@yahoo.com' Jessica Peeling says

    I am looking forward to continuing and completing my weight loss goal – I am on track to have lost 60 pounds by the end of April

  45. Traveling and exploring new places.

  46. I’m looking forward to more time with my husband in 2020.

  47. diamondcarol27@hotmail.com' Carol Moore says

    I am looking forward to getting closer to God, losing more weight and traveling.

  48. starting a new year!

  49. theatticgirl76@gmail.com' Shelly Dixon says

    A fresh start!

  50. alexandrayorko@gmail.com' Alexandra Y says

    Having a baby!

  51. Hopefully 2020 will be a good one. Life with my husband and good health for us and family.

  52. tWarner419@aol.com' Teresa Warner says

    Looking forward to all the new movies and reads next year!

  53. jmartin952@yahoo.com' Karley Moore says

    I am looking forward to a new job that I love and have been wanting! Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. Reconnecting with old friends

  55. haynesrochelle@ymail.com' rochelle haynes says

    I look forward to seeing anther year and blessed

  56. Anything can be better than 2019, very happy to go to 2020!

  57. I would love to have peace of mind, happiness and happy children

  58. Looking forward to visiting friends in Florida in January!

  59. My husband and I are looking forward to retiring in the spring of 2020

  60. I’m looking forward to a new year and hopefully lots of fun memories

  61. I’m looking forward to my youngest beginning school.

  62. I’m looking forward to some peace as a human being.

  63. I’m looking forward to following up on some of my interests.

  64. I’m looking forward to continuing to work on my mental health

  65. My vacation in April.

  66. Selling my house

  67. sharklady71@hotmail.com' Robyn Bellefleur says

    I am looking forward to another season up at our northern property.

  68. Shipley1990@gmail.com' Stephanie Shipley says

    I’m looking forward to moving into our new apartment!

  69. I still haven’t planned anything for New Years, but I’m usually just at home 🙂

  70. holly8763@yahoo.com' Holly Thomas says

    I am looking forward to going to visit my sister for the first time in 5 years since she has moved out of state!

  71. mjg0054@yahoo.com' Mary Gardner says

    I am looking forward to meeting my new granddaughter who is due in January 2020!

  72. I am looking forward to reading again, and doing crafts (crocheting, knitting, needlework, painting). I just had eye surgery on one eye, and got my sight back. I’m so excited to be doing the things I used to do!

  73. carbajaldarlene24@gmail.com' Darlene Carbajal says

    I am looking forward to my 10 year anniversary with my boyfriend!

  74. cnh3283@gmail.com' Jason Cullum says

    I am lookin forward to finding a better job that pays more and that I enjoy more.

  75. I look forward to 2020 being a year of new beginnings

  76. I have two nieces getting married in 2020. I’m looking forward to their weddings.

  77. A tornado threw a roof all over and into our house and property in October. I’m looking forward to the repairs being done!

  78. athenagraeme@gmail.com' athena graeme says

    This coming year in 2020 our adopted daughter will become an American citizen! We’re so excited! We’ve waited so long for the papers. We didn’t intend to adopt, things just happened so we had no plan in place. We were honestly worried things might not work out, but our caseworker assured us all was well and as soon as she’s processed we will be able to bring her home forever!

  79. The beginning of a new year always gives me hope.

  80. lynnbeaniethethird@yahoo.ca' LYNN CLAYTON says


  81. bethminyard10@gmail.com' Beth Minyard says

    I’m looking forward to getting a job! I haven’t been working for 8 years due to health issues and I’m finally ready to get back out there.

  82. bekki1820cb@gmail.com' Rebecca Orr says

    I am looking forward to July, when I will be having a new little one.

  83. I’m looking forward to living a more eco-friendly, healthy, and cruelty-free lifestyle in 2020 and, of course, spending quality time with loved ones.

  84. attea2d@gmail.com' Sandy Klocinski says

    Despite politics, scandals, technology, and the latest medical breakthroughs, I’m personally looking forward to reclaiming all those hobbies that I’ve somehow gotten away from. Those hobbies include crocheting, reading, painting and jigsaw puzzles. The “big stuff” aside, life is what you choose to do personally.

  85. marissarbuffett@gmail.com' Marissa Buffett says

    I’m looking forward to a healthier and better me in 2020! Can’t wait to exceed my goals.

  86. Starting a new company.

  87. I am looking forward to new books; thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  88. wauna01@gmail.com' Antoinette M says

    I am looking forward to a visit to Ireland!

  89. tatertot3741@gmail.com' beth shepherd says

    I am looking forward to our family vacation. Thank you

  90. I am looking forward to going on camping trips in 2020.

  91. sxybrt23@gmail.com' Stephanie Liske says

    I am looking forward to my taking the classes I’m signed up for.

  92. koolada_girl09@hotmail.com' Donna Teller says

    Our house burned down last year and I am really hoping we are finally going to be able to have a home of our own again in 2020.

  93. suschris1@gmail.com' Susan Christy says

    I’m looking forward to taking more weekend road trips now that I have a new car.

  94. I don’t really make resolutions but I am going to TRY and do at least 1/2 hour of housework before I go on the internet to work on my online stores. So, I’m looking forward to a clean house! Thanks and God bless!

  95. I am looking forward to time off!

  96. I’m looking forward to a couple of vacations.

  97. I’m looking forward to working out more and exploring my city.

  98. jaynep140@gmail.com' Heather Poindexter says

    Im looking forward to being able to walk again.

  99. skhayes15@yahoo.com' Sarah Hayes says

    Im looking forward to new opportunities

  100. I’m looking forward to getting my house organized in 2020. I have been renovating my house for the past year and it is a mess. I still need to renovate the bathrooms and my home office but otherwise, the big renovations should wrap up in the next month or two and I can get stuff back where it belongs.

  101. supergrand2009@yahoo.com' Shirley Emitt says

    We will have anew addition to our family in 2020.

  102. Planning on going to Las Vegas for my third time!

  103. lyzabeth1970@aol.com' elizabeth miller says

    I am looking forward to making my business more productive and getting myself out of the slump I have been in.

  104. not looking forward to 2020 at all

  105. MrsFlores7878@outlook.com' Tonya Flores says

    I am looking forward to brighter days and new beginnings.

  106. s2s2@cox.net' Susan Smith says

    I’m looking forword to my niece being born.

  107. I am looking forward to piglets and prosperity.

  108. I’m looking forward to start a new career.

  109. In 2020 i am looking forward to learning how to cook.

  110. In 2020- I am looking forward to meeting my niece’s second child when he or she is born.

  111. I am looking forward to paying off some debt.

  112. I am looking forward to getting healthier in my food choices in 2020.

  113. jeanna_massman@hotmail.com' Jeanna Massman says

    I’m looking forward to spending lots of time with our grandson in 2020.

  114. ncprincess96@yahoo.com' Heather Kaufman says

    I am looking forward to starting a career.

  115. wbailey113@hotmail.com' Wanda McHenry says

    I’m looking forward to moving ahead with a new life after a year of mourning my husband’s death.

  116. disdayluscrap@gmail.com' Jayne Townsley says

    Two amazing weddings coming up in the fall!

  117. I am looking forward to 2020 to see what surprises are in store! Happy New Year 🙂

  118. ladybakon@live.com' Lisa Canada says

    I would like to pay off more debt if I have my way!

  119. vidomich@yahoo.com' Michelle H. says

    I am looking forward to new opportuniites.

  120. youhavecrabsinthe207@yahoo.com' carissa joslyn says

    I’m not even really sure. Hopefully it will be better then last year though! I have high hopes.

  121. easymacbb@gmail.com' Christopher Mason says

    a new house

  122. I’m looking forward to the summer Olympics in 2020

  123. I’m looking forward to new job opportunities.

  124. Suzelle11@aol.com' Laurie Nykaza says

    For 2020 I’m looking at good health for our family. I would make long list of family illness from heart transplant to Cancers so lets hope we have a better year this year 2020

  125. kbugmomma06@gmail.com' Christy Leonard says

    I am looking forward to a better career

  126. I look forward to home renovations.

  127. hopemitch@yahoo.com' Hope Mitchner says

    I am looking forward to a peaceful year.

  128. I’m looking forward to a better year (economic point of view).

  129. I look forward to traveling more during the new year.

  130. My husband and I are going to St. Maarten in April! I have never been anywhere so I am so excited for our trip!

  131. momlh@hotmail.com' LeAnn Harbert says

    Two of my sons are getting married this coming year.

  132. frugalmdmom@gmail.com' Kim Holsapple says

    The birth of my first great-nephew in January!

  133. Enjoying my new love and life!

  134. I’m looking forward to ending this darn, hard year. I plan on making 2020 my best year yet! Happy New Year to everyone. I will be concentrating on making my blog better and possibly reaching out for help.

  135. I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter graduate high school in 2020.

  136. Better health, finances and career.

  137. cardprincess@sbcglobal.net' Tracy Robertson says

    I am looking forward to bettering my job situation.

  138. I am looking forward to watching the kids learn and grow in 2020!

  139. I also commented on the Snickers Cupcake recipe post.

  140. I am looking forward to more time spent with family.

  141. I look forward to getting my degree.

  142. Traveling on new adventures

  143. I’m looking forward to positive changes!

  144. I looking forward to spending more time with my grand daughter

  145. I am looking forward to going to BroadwayCon.

  146. i am looking forward to spring and the spring flowers

  147. I’m looking forward to taking my grandchildren to see their cousins

  148. I am looking forward to losing weight. I think that a lot of great things are to come this year.

  149. I’m looking forward to lots of travel!

  150. tishajean1@gmail.com' latisha depoortere says

    I really don’t have any big plans. I look forward to finding new authors to follow and reading more books!

  151. I’m looking forward to my trip to Washington this summer

  152. seyma_bennett@hotmail.com' Seyma Bennett Shabbir says

    Looking forward to a nice vacation.

  153. I look forward to working out more.

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