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Candlestick Makeover with Multiple Uses

Thanks for sharing!

It is 2018! Wow guys…..time flies! 

Let's get honest here for a minute. I have been totally in a slump since the Christmas decor went down. I had it all down by the 30th with the exception of the artificial tree that is still partially sitting in the foyer. You see after using that tree for about 7 years….most of the lights went out. So being thrifty, I decided to CUT ALL OF THE LIGHTS FROM THE 9 FOOT TREE! Yes….those caps mean that I am screaming. I am still not done and my hands are a scratched up mess. In the long run, I'm not sure it will be worth it. I like the LED lights, and they aren't cheap. So it will be pricy to add new lights, but cheaper than a new tree. The tree is still in great shape and just could not justify tossing it. 

Back to the slump…..the Christmas decor went down and our 2 kids both left to go back to college on January 2nd. It was just too much at one time. This empty nest thing takes some getting used to. 

You guys aren't here to listen to me whine. You want to see this month's Thrift Store Decor Makeover! We are back and ready to start the year off with fresh projects for you!

What a cool makeover for thrift store candlesticks and so many creative uses! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Here is the before of some great candlesticks that I purchased a while back. I liked them because they have weight to them and have a large base for a candle to rest or something else.

Be sure to subscribe to blog post updates. Each month the Thrift Store Decor Team will be sharing ideas to makeover thrift store finds or perhaps an item that you already own!

Also on OSH!  Iron Look Lamp Makeover

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

This month my project is so easy. Y'all…every project you do doesn't have to be riddled with steps. Some of the best things that I've done simply involve a can of spray paint. This month involved several almost empty bottles of white in different brands. I did make sure that the last coat used the same paint. It was too cold to go anywhere, and I needed to use up my stash. 

Since my project is so simple, I decided to share with you multiple ways in which you can use a candlestick. They aren't just for candles!

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

The shape of these are perfect for small serving bowls. I bought these bowls last year at Big Lots. They are so cute. I surprised my hubby with a simple lunch of pimento cheese and chicken salad with fruit, veggies and Triscuits. All of this was premade and store-bought, but it's all in the presentation! 

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

These candlesticks look like serving pedestals now!

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Here I just used one to elevate a small glass bowl from Dollar Tree. I usually buy carnations, but these roses from the grocery store were so pretty. I needed a little pink in my life.

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

I almost added a little gold around the edges, but I decided to leave it as is….just clean and white. No distressing. These have the perfect little top to hold items securely. I got lucky!

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Of course you can use a candlestick with a candle! I jazzed it up a bit with one of my boxwood wreaths.

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

How about using it as a soap dish? That little French box was also a thrift store makeover. I have a thing for boxes.

Also on OSH!  Horse Statue Makeover

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Thrift store candlesticks are not just for candles! Check out these multiple uses from this post!!! #thriftstoremakeover #candlesticks #DIY #spraypaint #homedecor

Do you have candlesticks that you'd like to makeover? Spray paint is fast, cheap and easy!

Be sure to visit the other thrift store makeovers this month! Links below the graphic!

Thrift Store Decor Team is at it again! Loads of inspiration for the new year! #thriftstoremakeovers

Domestically Speaking

My Repurposed Life

Petticoat Junktion

Refresh Restyle

Our Southern Home

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Sadie Seasongoods

Link Parties that OSH parties at on occasion!  Sunday: DIY Show Off Monday:  Between Naps on the PorchHome Stories A to Z ,Inspiration Monday– Refresh Restyle TuesdayNot Just A Housewife,All Things Heart and Home,   The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse and Inspire Me Party at A Stroll Thru Life,  My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  Wednesday:   Savvy Southern Style Thursday:  My Repurposed Life From My Front Porch to Yours,   Friday:  French Country Cottage,  Miss Mustard Seed Furniture FridayCommon Ground,  Imparting GraceKeep Calm and Link Up,  Craftberry Bush – Inspiration Gallery Friday,  SnapCreativity – Show and Tell, Tatertots and Jello 






Thanks for sharing!

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  1. Love your made-over candlesticks! I particularly like the idea of using them as pedestals for bowls of dip, as they add height and interest to your buffet. I also really like your candlestick soap dish. Thanks for sharing all of your innovative ideas.

    1. Whoa! I was in love at first site with the original set. On my monitor at least, the ball area looked like an antique shade of marble, But they do look classical and classy in that stark white, Bravo.

      1. Thank you! Yes, the ball area is some sort of marble….but no worries….they aren’t an antique or anything that would have otherwise been destroyed.

  2. Love your repurposed candlesticks: I have an ugly one sitting in my stash that I was going to paint black and maybe drybrush with gold. I may rethink that now! I’m surprised you didn’t add a plate of cupcakes to one of yours–everyhone is on the cupcake bandwagon these days; maybe come spring!

    1. Thank you so much. So happy you are inspired! LOL!!! Yes, cupcakes are all the rage, but with the kids in college….I’d be left to eat the cupcakes, and I’m trying really hard to be good. I have a BAD sweet tooth! Happy new Year!

  3. Christy,

    what a great (versatile) project! Your candlesticks are fabulous now with their makeover.

    been there, done that with the tree. It took hours and hours, but I’m so glad I did it. I put 600 lights on my tree this year and I absolutely LOVE the new look.


    1. Thanks, Gail! Yes, I’m still working on the tree. I think I’ve totally worn out the wire cutters! But, yes the tree is just still in great shape to toss. I have serious reservations about ever purchasing another pre-lit tree. Can you even buy them without lights these days!

  4. I completely understand your artificial tree issue. Ours is about 10 years old and is the perfect size and shape. I just can’t part with it even though half the lights went out. My husband replaced half of them last year and I’m pretty sure we’ll need to replace the other half next year.
    Love your thrifted candle sticks and your ideas for different uses!

    1. Thanks bunches!!! Yes, the pre-lite tree dilemma! I don’t think I’ll ever purchase another with lights already on it. ugh! Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by! XO Christy

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I think I’ll get a lot of use out of them because of the versatile top to place other things. Now, I need to work on organizing my candlestick collection storage. I may have a problem!

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