Leave It at the Altar

graphic thanks to Cyndi Marlow at http://embeddedfaith.org
graphic thanks to Cyndi Marlow at embeddedfaith.org

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Today, as many of us get ready to go off to Easter mass we are heavily burdened. Easter, the most joyous day of the year, seems to be tainted by the burdens we are carrying.

A friend who was just diagnosed with stage four cancer.

Another Easter passes and we are still estranged from a loved one that we haven’t spoken to in several years, and can’t remember why.

We experience the anger and resentment of a marriage gone badly, and the loneliness of sitting in the pew alone.

The fear of what life will be like when the Alzheimer’s takes my husband from me.

Sometimes it seems that these burdens are just too big to handle.

In Psalm 55 we read, “Cast your care upon the LORD, who will give you support. He will never allow the righteous to stumble.”

Today, Easter Sunday, is the best day of the year to cast your fears, burdens, pain, anger, resentment, to the Lord. It’s time to “let go, and Let God.”

It’s time to leave it at the altar! It is time to release these feelings to a God who will never allow us to stubble. It’s time to unburden ourselves of these problems that eat away at us.

[pullquote]”For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”   2 Timothy 1:7[/pullquote]

Today, as you approach the altar to receive communion, what problem are you going to leave at the altar? Why not pray a prayer of release, asking God to take these burdens from you and bring you peace.

Lord, I release all of my problem to you, burdens that I can’t handle myself. I lay my fears, pain, anger, resentment at the foot of the cross.

My fear of losing a loved one…I leave at the altar.

The anger I feel from being wrongfully accused….I leave at the altar.

The resentment of being passed over for a promotion at work….I leave at the altar.

The pain that makes even getting out of bed difficult….I leave at the altar.

Today, at mass, let’s let go and let God. Let’s lay our burdens at the foot of the cross. Take my heart, loving Father as I put it on your altar. I put all my burdens in your loving care.

Do this, and watch what happens!

Have a blessed and Happy Easter, my friends.

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