Homemade Breakfast Sandwiches

Homemade Breakfast Sandwich
Yummy, homemade breakfast sandwiches! They are so easy and fun to make, and you can make them ahead of time for a quick, yummy meal on the go, and you can even freeze them!

Sausage patties, or bacon
English muffins, or canned or homemade biscuits
Sliced cheese

The first thing I do is heat up my cast iron skillet with a little oil in the pan; while my pan is heating, I gather all my ingreedients.

I can easily fit four of the resturant style sausage patties in my cast iron skillet; once my pan is hot, I add the sausage patties; while they are cooking I slice the English muffins in half and put butter on the inside of both halves.

When I flip the sausage over I begin slowly heating my cast iron griddle.
I am not a huge fan of microwaved eggs, but for these sandwiches, I have found microwaving the egg works best. I use half an egg per sandwich. To prepare the egg{s}, I open them into a microwave safe bowl, add a touch of water and seasonings, and whip them.
When the sausage is done, I place them on a paper towel to cool; I then slice them horizontally and place a slice of cheese on each patty; then I begin grilling the English muffins, on medium-low heat.

While the muffins are grilling, I nuke the egg{s}; usually I cook them in the microwave for about 30 seconds per egg, stirring every 15 seconds. When the egg{s} are done, I cut them according to how many sanwiches I am making.

Assemably is easy. Muffin bottom, sausage and cheese, egg, top of muffin!
If you are making these to freeze, after they cool, wrap them in parchment paper and place in a freezer bad. I am not sure how long they last in the freezer because on the rare occassion I've had to freeze them, they are usually gone within a week!
A varation we use from time to time is to use canned and/or homemade biscuits instead of English muffins; same concept except you have to turn on the oven to cook the biscuits.
If you try thise super yummy breakfast sandwiches, please come back and let me know how you liked them!

I do believe my cast iron skillet and griddles are my all time favorite cookware to cook with!
A lot of people will complain about the care required for cast iron, but it's really not hard, it's just different, and once you get used to the 'new' steps, it's just as easy to keep and clean as other cookware.
If you do not have any cast iron, you may purchase the set below for a super good price!

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If you try this recipe, please come back and leave a comment and let me know how it turned out! I love hearing from my readers!

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