Coloring with Zig Real Brush Markers


September is the beginning of another month-long coloring challenge by Kathy Racoosin called #thedailymarker30day challenge 🙂 It’s now regular happening created by Kathy where everyone can participate by coloring anything every day. It can be a few minutes or an hour but basically doing some coloring of sort daily.

For today, I colored this bouquet flowers stamp from Wplus9. There’s so many ways to color this so I should be exploring those options too soon.

For my coloring, I bought my Zig Real Brush markers sometime ago and I’m happy being able to use them today.

I quickly made the colored flowers to a card and am happy to share them too in “Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #257-Make Your Mark”

I’m also entering this card to Simon Says Stamp, Monday Challenge.

Until then!

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