5 Sentence Friday

  1. When we argue and/or complain we are showing our “me attitudes”.
  2. Our light is dimmed by our perverse choices.
  3. As children of the King, we are held to a higher standard.
  4. This world is so perverse (warped) Believers will stand out.
  5. Complaining and arguing are sins.

As I worked through the five sentences I was once again convicted of my own sin.  As modern Christians we tend not to see arguing, complaining, grumbling… as sins. Discontent is evident everywhere. In our homes, our jobs, our churches, relationships,… someone is always complaining about something.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  We can (and must) make a conscious choice to stop the animosity.  Both the Old and the New Testament tell us to love our neighbors.  (see Luke 10:27 and  Leviticus 19:18) Are we being loving when we’re constantly complaining about something or someone?  I think not!  Make the right choice.  Quit complaining.

Blessings to you and yours!


2 thoughts on “5 Sentence Friday

  1. Marie, I needed to read this…now I need to stop complaining and arguing. I did not realize that it was a sin, but now I see it more clearly. Starting right now, with a prayer to my Lord and Savior for His loving guidance, I will start to obey this commandment. It is only with His love that I can be saved from sin. My, you really know how to hit the nail on the head, Marie. Keep this up and I will soon be more confident; and my self esteem will continue to grow! What a wonderful thing! with much love and friendship, queeny


    • I’m so glad this has helped you! I, too, am deeply convicted by this verse. My prayer for both of us is that the Spirit within will nudge us on the issue when we need it and that we will have strength and courage to follow through!


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