Not Sure How to Homeschool? When in Doubt, Just Read!

When in doubt, just read!

One thing that most moms have in common, despite differences in any other areas of life, is a lack of confidence. Too often we doubt our abilities to be adequate parents. Raising children who will one day grow up to be adults is an enormous responsibility. Add to that the prospect of not only raising, but also educating our own kids, and the task seems ten times bigger than before.

As wonderful as it would be if every mother jumped into her homeschooling journey completely prepared, having read every home education book known to man, it just doesn’t work that way. Most of us begin not knowing what we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to do it whenever we figure out what it is. Confused? That’s exactly how it feels to be a newbie homeschool mom. 

Being a new homeschooler is scary, especially if you don’t know of any other families who may be doing it, as well. Making the decision to not send your kids to school can be an empowering feeling, but after the adrenaline starts decreasing, we oftentimes find ourselves thinking, Great. Now what are we supposed to do?

I could advise people with that question in any number of ways. I could give them a full on schedule to get them started. I could direct them to the best place for curriculum and wish them luck. Or I could just give them the most simple, yet effective, method of instilling knowledge in their children.


Reading to, or even with, your children is enough to start off your journey. More importantly, it’s enough for anyone who is beginning to doubt their ability to homeschool in the first place.

Reading to your children is enough for those times when everything around you seems to be a blur and “school” begins to suffer as a repercussion.

Reading can be an escape from a stressful day when everybody’s cranky and nobody wants to even think about their math assignments.

Reading can be a comfort for those days when everyone is feeling under the weather and just wants to lie around.

When in doubt, just read.

Since it’s usually taught as a separate subject in traditional schools, many people fail to see the cross-curricular value in this pasttime. In this day and age, every single subject can be covered just by reading– even math, to a degree.

Eventually, you’ll find your footing and be ready to discover your own routine once you’ve gotten comfortable with the idea that you can, indeed, do it.

So I’m not going to give you a fancy algorithm for the perfect homeschool for your family. Only you can figure that out. What I am going to tell you is that a great start to a successful homeschool routine is reading, reading, and reading some more. Even if you, yourself, do not particularly enjoy it, there are a great many audio books available at most decent-sized libraries.

An assortment of quality literature can lay the right foundation for an excellent education. 

Seems simple, right? That’s what makes it so successful. 🙂


Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

26 thoughts on “Not Sure How to Homeschool? When in Doubt, Just Read!”

  1. I couldn’t agree more! Reading saved me as a new homeschool mom and it’s saving me now! What I love about reading is how it often leads to research and discussions. We look up unfamiliar words, sometimes we end up watching a video related to something in the story, and we often discuss situations or character traits, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! One of my favorite memories is of reading Little House to my kids and then watching them outside pretending to churn butter and use some scrap wood to build their own “little house.” Reading really does open the door to so many good things!

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I’m so glad to hear that. Above all else, the main reason I maintain this blog is because I have such a heart for homeschoolers- especially those who are new to it or those who simply need encouragement. Believe me, we’ve all been there battling the voices. I sometimes think it’s a homeschool mom’s rite of passage!


          1. I love this, and thanks so much for taking time to be available. I was home schooled from 5th on up so what keeps me going is having been there as a child, remembering the close knit family we had longed surpassed any amount of knowledge, though that was nice too lol.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Reading truly is such an important part of learning, whether adult, child, or as a family. I’ve gained so much by reading. I don’t do it with books so much these days, but I do try to listen to books when I can. It seems Monkey Boy is definitely on the reading path. Just yesterday he wanted me to read him a little from a book on transmissions and repair. 🙂


  3. My 8 year old is the only one who officially knows how to read and he reads voraciously. ! Y 5 year old and 2 year old both “read” all the time too. I was doing some office work today while my husband watched the kids and he sent me a picture of our two year old sleeoing on the couch next to a pile of magic school bus books. He had fallen asleep while reading, so precious!

    And I completely agree with the value of reading from an educational standpoint as well. I personally read a ton and have a pattern of choosing a topic and putting a few hundred hours of reading and research into it and have been able to use that knowledge to educate many university graduates that I know. Choosing to read something of interest cannot help but give you more understanding of a subject than if it is merely a course credit to check off the list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just a sidenote: I found a way to rearrange my house to free up enough wall space to get an ikea kallax 5×5 bookcase for my birthday. My husband laughs at how excited I am and I’m overjoyed with the fact that I’ll finally be able to pull all the wonderful books out of the storage room to share with the kids!

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    2. Aww, my kids love The Magic School Bus. The main focus of our homeschool are read-alouds and reading living books. SInce we stopped using textbooks all those years ago, I’ve seen so much improvement in their retention of knowledge.


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