Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stamp-A-Faire Challenge #5

Stamp-A-Faire Challenge 5 is to take a solid stamp image and use it to create a border. I had fun creating this card. I took the moon image from Masculine Motifs and used it to create waves for my boat to sail upon. The Echo Park splash paper was perfect inspiration for my color combination.

Today would be a perfect day to be out on the water--it's sunny and warm here in the PNW. Summer is finally here!

Back soon with Challenge 6!


Nora Noll said...

Wow, wow, wow!! I LOVE everything about this card. FABULOUS!!!!

Helen L said...

Sooo cute!! How clever to make the moon into waves: love the color combo and how bright and crisp the card is!

Krista said...

perfect alternative use of that moon shape!!