Ik hou van de veranderingen van de seizoenen. In de herfst geniet ik van de mooie kleuren van de bladeren. Dit inspireerde me voor onderstaande kaart.

I love the difference of the seasons. In the autumn I enjoy the lovely colors of the leaves. This inspired me for the following card. 

Stampset : SU Among the branches
Accesory: SU Tangelo Twist ribbon
Paper: SU Hello Honey
Color Ink: SU So Saffron | Crushed Curry | Tangelo Twist | Cajun Craze

The Challenge I am linking up to:
WWYS #34: Among the Branches
The Paper Players  PP267: Clean and simple leaves
The house that stamps built: WIW Photo Inspiration Challenge ~ O2115

wwys_34_Among the Branchespp267O2115

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