keara | they/them
Theme was last edited: 14 April 2017

I got a personal blog! Found here.

My follow forever has been posted! Found here.

New URL. Previously novelblogging.

April 12:
I'm back! Still catching up on little things here and there but I hope to be posting more regularly again. Thanks for your patience!

2017 Reading Challenge

2017 Reading Challenge
Keara has read 9 books toward their goal of 50 books.
9 of 50 (18%)
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Check out this challenge! It runs over an entire year and challenges you to buy as few books as possible while reading as many from your TBR pile as you can! 

I’ve signed up because I definitely need that extra motivation.

I’m so excited! I bought a ridiculous amount of books this year and I hope to cut that down next year, while also reading the books I bought in years previous. 

I’m hoping to read 52 books in 2015 (Black Belt). On top of that, I will limit myself to 12 library books for the entire year and 12 books I purchase for myself (I won’t stop people from buying me books :P ). This includes ebooks & free books. 

(via ohsomanybooks)

Tagged with: #link #challenge #shelflove #:D #to read 
  1. meanstoabookend reblogged this from ohsomanybooks and added:
    I’m so excited! I bought a ridiculous amount of books this year and I hope to cut that down next year, while also...
  2. ohsomanybooks reblogged this from thebookhangover-blog
  3. synodicwolf reblogged this from thebookhangover-blog
  4. acanadianbibliophile reblogged this from thebookhangover-blog
  5. neverendingbookshelves reblogged this from thebookhangover-blog and added:
    I don’t think I can go without buying books for a year, but if you want to try, this seems like a great way to go!
  6. athenagreek-blog said: I need this but for free e-book on amazon. I will do it!
  7. thebookhangover-blog reblogged this from booktineus
  8. booktineus posted this