41XPcJbM7sLFinding one’s special niche in life can be hindered by temperament and/or personality. Cain’s book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, digs right into the premise that we live in an Extroverted Culture, and how the socially adept seemingly take on the power positions in life.

However, she then lists introverts who, with their quiet strength, have made huge differences, like Rosa Parks, who quietly had the courage to refuse to get off the bus.

Most of the book shows the studies, beginning with the Myers-Briggs measurement of Extroverts/Introverts, and subsequent work that reveals a possible physiological basis for differences in the style/personality/behavior of individuals.

What I enjoyed most in the book were the anecdotes about people in history and how their accomplishments came about in spite of or because of their personality.

I would recommend the book for those interested in digging into the theories, studies, and findings. It reminded me a lot of psychology texts I read and studied in college, so I found these sections (most of the book) tedious. Others might really enjoy and relish these aspects, however, so my rating of 3.5 stars does not reflect the book itself but my own reaction to it.

10 thoughts on “REVIEW: QUIET, BY SUSAN CAIN

    1. I think a discussion might be great, Leslie…and I suspect that I just wasn’t in the mood for all the research, etc., which reminded me of my psychology days at college (it was my major). I might try reading it again at a later date.


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