May 5, 2014

It’s Finally Over

Well, folks, I did it. Graduation this past Saturday went off without a hitch. I officially have a Master’s degree. I still can’t believe it.

A really great thing happened while I was at the school. I got to see a few of my classmates. You may be wondering why I haven’t seen them already, but the entire program was online, so we never met our classmates in person. It was really nice to be able to talk to them face to face about everything from personal lives to the picky revisions in our capstone course. Let me tell ya, it made me feel a lot better knowing I wasn’t the only one who thought the professors were picky. The tiniest little detail bothered them and they wouldn’t grade it until it was fixed. But, I digress.

Julye, yours truly, and Jennifer
We did it!

It’s weird because it was an all-new waiting game once we were standing in line to walk. Then, it took forever to get everyone seated. After that, all of the sudden, it was my row’s turn to walk up and have our names called. We sat down, I blinked, turned my tassel, and it was over. I was rushing through the crowd to get outside, desperately looking for my husband who had already made his way out. Five minutes later, we were on the road home. What seemed like ten minutes was really two hours from the point the ceremony actually started. Two years knocked down to two hours. Wow. But it was totally worth it and I would do it all over again—late nights researching, writing, pulling my hair out, writing, doubting myself, writing, and wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into (and did I mention writing?).

As promised, I will post some of my photographs from my capstone project. I just have to get them into some kind of presentable format for the blog. Once I figure that out, I will post them.

Thank you, readers, for sticking with me during this process!

What shall we talk about next? Anyone have any art related suggestions?


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