cards · Christmas · Cricut · rubber stamps · Winter


So here’s the scoop for Flashback Friday Challenge Blog**first card you have posted with a window cut into the front of the card** I found this in my Splitcoast Stampers Gallery,  I made it for Christmas 2007.   yipes,  where does the time go!  I know I got the idea from someone online but I sure don’t remember where now!  If it was you,  THANKS!  I loved the inspiration!  This is not the first card I ever made with a window cut in the front… I’ve been stamping since April of 1994,  so it’s impossible to remember that first one! For me that is!!! lol

HERE is my card in my SCS gallery.  Wish I had a picture of the inside but I can’t find one. figures.

What a fun challenge blog… I love looking back… have a nice day and see you tomorrow!

11 thoughts on “Flashback…

  1. Cool! (At least you have a SC gallery! I can never remember to go and post there!) It really is fun to see how we have improved! You were even rockin’ it in 2007!!!

  2. gosh for all the years I’ve known you/cards I’ve seen…don’t remember
    this one…. Like it!!! You have always been an embellishment girl…

  3. what coincidence, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Whenever I over analyze or criticize something I made, I pull up my 2006 SCS gallery…. that always shuts me up, lol and makes me feel better.

    Now, you’re old card is still a gadzillion times better than some of my recent projects :-). I’ve not had a chance to stop to comment in a while (sorry – life….)anyway, you inspire me so I left you a blog award on my blog. (I hope it’s ok, I know how precious time is which is why I generally don’t even post and pass on any blog awards)

  4. I love that you have the wreath floating in the cut out. Very cool. It’s so much fun to look back and see where we were and where we are now. Both with projects and taking pictures. Thanks so much for playing this week with Flashback Friday.

I love hearing from you! Thank YOU!