Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

alles Gute

Heute gibts wieder ein Kärtchen mit guten Wünschen..entweder zum Geburtstag oder aber zur Gesundheit oder auch zur bevorstehenden Prüfung...ganz variabel einsetzbar.Und in der abstrakten Gestaltung gut als Männerkarte einsetztbar.


friday mashup

Here's your Mashup Challenge:
  1. Create a project with "Hexagons".
  2. Create a project with "Triangles". 
  3. or Create a project using "Hexagons" & "Triangles".



creative inspirations "it's a boy thing"

divas by design "make it sparkle"


stamps: PTI, Stempelküche
cs: SU
colors: SU crumbcake,coastal cabana,summer starfruit,Memento tuxedo black
pearls: from stock
others: MFT dienamics,dimensionals

9 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely card, Beate, nice color mix here on the background wash! Thanks for playing with us at the colourQ.

  2. Great take on both challenges! Love the use of the triangles and the hexagons in your design. Thanks for playing along with the Friday Mashup this week!

  3. LOve this....what a great masculine card, I love the abstract coloring and the little embellishments! Thanks for playing with the CQC colors this week!

  4. Beate, this is a really cool card! I like your background stamping and how you placed the hexagons and triangles randomly across it. I like the added touch of the jewels that you placed on the shapes too. Thanks for joining us at the Friday mashup.

  5. Oh this is a fab design Beate! I love the colours and pattern… and the crystals add some lovely sparkle! :-)
    Thanks for joining us at Divas by Design this week!
    Hugs Sue B xxx

  6. So fun! Love the popped up triangles! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  7. This is a great creation for a boy / male, thank you very much for playing at Creative Inspirations this week! Happy Crafting! xxx

  8. What a fabulous and original design Beate - loved that paint-like background! Thanks for playing along at Colour Q!


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