Preschooler Thanksgiving Turkey Craft

Preschooler Paper Turkey CraftHaving a preschooler at home means that I am acutely aware of all the seasons and upcoming celebrations. In October, Boy comes home with cute ghost and pumpkin crafts, November is for turkeys and fall leaves, December is for Santa, reindeer and snowflakes, February is for hearts and I Love You cards, and so on.You get the idea, don’t you?!

Last week, his school sent a brown paper turkey cutout for the whole family to decorate at home. I of course, was thankful for the perfect opportunity to make another craft with Boy.

There is no science behind decorating a paper turkey, I would suggest to just go all out and have fun.

First, we traced his body outline with black marker for definition. Now, Mr. Turkey surely needs eyes, a beak, his trademark red wattle (yes, that’s the proper name!) and feet. Boy insisted that turkeys have a blue ring around their eyes. He is sort of right about that.

Paper Turkey FaceNow stick on lots of paper feathers. We wrote all the things we are thankful for. Friends, family, school, and very important Boy-ish stuff like cars, cake, soccer, and even Shamu. I wrote on the feathers with pencil and Boy happily traced over them with black marker. He couldn’t be prouder!

Paper Turkey FeathersDid you notice that we decorated his feathers with Fruit Loops cereal? Yep, that’s right! Just stick ’em on with clear-drying white glue. You could also use pasta, beads or glitter. Just about anything you fancy.

His big brown tummy was kind of boring and plain, so we I glued a paper accordion with Happy Thanksgiving written across it.

Happy Thanksgiving Paper AccordionReady, set, gobble!

Gobble, Gobble Turkey CraftBoy enjoys little crafts. Take a look at his experiments in stamping with Lego blocks and toy cars.

DIY Toy Car Stamped ArtworkWe have also made some cute watercolor cards for his teachers, which they absolutely loved!

Kid-made Watercolor Art CardsIf you like what you see, please follow my blog via Email (button on the right), Pinterest or Bloglovin’, or maybe even all three!!!

I am linking this up to parties at these awesome blogs.

11 thoughts on “Preschooler Thanksgiving Turkey Craft

  1. Pingback: ‘Count Your Blessings’ Thanksgiving Tree | At the Corner of Happy and Harried

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