Posted in Five Minute Fridays, Lisa-Jo Baker, Relationship vs Religion, Whore of Babylon

Longing for Love


God’s Thoughts to Me

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you (James 1:27, NLT).

Lonely Fragments of Life


A widowed world is seeking a husband; seeking for purpose and meaning beyond the planets and the brightest stars … beyond the shredded fragments of a lonely life.

The Hand of Eternal Love lovingly caresses her lonely lady heart. It purposefully, yet fondly navigates her towards the fulfillment of time … gently towards the end of her widowhood.


The fallen minds of man are building monstrous structures and systemized lives. These Babylonian towers are reaching up into futility; into the unknown heavens trying to reach out to God

They try to mend their broken hearts with the technology of selfish pride and cover their shameful nakedness with the flimsy garments of fig leaves, designed and sewed with self-effort.


They are starving … craving a feast of love and acceptance at the table of their gluttonous, greedy god.

But still; some orphaned, lonely hearts are reaching into the unknown like radio telescopes. Their radar is piqued by the frequency of Love … drawn by the overtures of Someone beyond themselves … beyond their finitude.

Seeking, searching and yearning for the mysterious raison d’être; still blind to the Light of Heaven flickering … inviting …  like the sweetest fireflies.


It splashes light crumbs of heavenly Bread in the fearsome forest of a lost soul. It leads them out of the darkest despair onto the pathway to freedom.

It embraces every child abandoned by their stepmother god … it envelopes them in Emmanuel’s heart.

Much love and sweet blessings.


Linking-up with Lisa. Please check my Tea Time and Link-Ups page for my weekend visits.



I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

62 thoughts on “Longing for Love

  1. Mia…what a lovely piece of writing about our longing for love…and it envelopes us in Emmanuel’s heart. God will us at all times…never leaving, never forsaking…

    PS I think you will enjoy our post today, Mia. It features Michael’s essay on obedience. Blessings…

    1. Dear Sheila
      Yes, our God is always sooooo faithful and never stops loving us! I enjoyed Michael’s post, thanks.
      Blessings x

  2. Oh Mia! What wondrous images you have wrought with your words. I never had thought of this world as being widowed, but you are so right; it is! Thank you for sharing your gift of words and for firing up our imaginations as to the heart of God for His children.

    1. Dear Alison
      Thank you for your kind words!! Yes, it is as if our world des not have a husband to care for her and to love her!
      Blessings XX

    1. Thanks!! Yes, the stepmother god of this world tries to keep us captive in the darkness of the world, but our Lord leads us in triumph.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Ashley
      Humanity are so hungry for love, but so deceived as where to find that their hearts crave above all else!
      Blessings x

  3. Looking for love in everything where it does not exist. Our Father is the author of love… and backed it up with the sacrifice of His Son.

    I’m always amazed at the rhythm and flow of your words… I’m always touched deep in the heart…

    1. Dear Floyd
      Yes, our Lord did say that those who believe without seeing are truly blessed. Man will be man and it is so sad when see people trying to find meaning and love in all the wrong places.
      Blessings x

  4. Yes. We are all starving for love. And we try desperately to satisfy ourselves with anything but the Living Bread. But God, in His graciousness, continues to call us. And when we eventually taste Him, we see how good and satisfying He really is. Have a beautiful weekend Mia.

    1. Dear Cheri
      This is so true! Your words reminds me of the verse telling us to taste and see that the Lord is good.
      Blessings XX

  5. Mia,

    Your words are simply music that flow off the page and sing to my ears. This was beautiful. Thank you for visiting me today. The Man in the Mountain photo was taken in New Hampshire in the mountains last year during fall. It’s in the New England area states. Kim

    1. Dear Kim
      We also have a mountain not far from us at a small village called Hogsback. Needless to say; it looks just like a warthog’s back. Thanks for your friendly comment.
      Blessings x

  6. Simply beautiful, Mia. I cannot improve on what has already been said here! You write spirit and poetry flows from your hands. Love this post and the awesome images are a perfect fit and foil to the message you share. Always blessed by my visits. It’s heartening to see you thinking and expressing yourself so well. Hope that’s a sign of recovery? Much love xx

    1. Hi Joy
      Thank you, dear friend! I am doing much better at the moment. Like you, I also am quite fond of poetry. Such a lovely genre to write about the difficult things.
      Blessings XX

  7. And we are called to love like this…a high calling that can only be accomplished when we know we are loved so magnificently by our Father.

  8. Goed geschreven. Je raakt de kern. Mooie beelden bij je tekst. Dank je el voor de herinnering. Als Immanuel bij ons is, zijn we nooit alleen en hebben we alles.

  9. May we know that God has called us to Himself. The world is empty and lonely as you share. God’s heart is warm and tender towards us. And I want to remember that, Mia. Thanks for this reminder.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  10. Beautiful post, friend. I’m so thankful that my Father’s love shines in even the darkest, most lonely night. Blessings! 🙂

  11. Seeking, searching and yearning for the mysterious raison d’être; still blind to the Light of Heaven flickering … inviting … like the sweetest fireflies. what a wonderful line you wrote. I love the fireflies this time of year here in Ohio. and now when I see them I will think of you!

    1. Hi Jean
      Fireflies are such mysterious little creatures. They make me think of fairytales that always end happily!
      Blessings XX

  12. Beautiful words that you write. How often people are seeking love and acceptance in all the wrong ways. Loneliness can be filled in a relationship …with Jesus.

    Beautiful FMF post.

    Blessings and love,

    1. Dear Debbie
      I honestly think that deep inner loneliness can only be filled with our Lord Jesus! Other things bring only temporary relief.
      Lots of Love XX


  13. Hi Mia! I LOVE that firefly photo, it’s beautiful.

    Loneliness can be used to turn our radar to God, yes! And I love that image of the discs pointing up. You have really used great images for your beautiful post today. Such a pleasure to read.


    1. Hi Ceil
      Thanks for your kind words! And I agree; when we feel lonely, our radar seeks for the frequency of God’s love!
      Blessings XX

  14. Mia-
    So very true that loneliness is found in so many situations. May we be willing to extend ourselves & be used by our God to offer friendship & a hand to those who cross our paths each day. I visited from Simply Helping Him this morning.
    Blessings, my friend,

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