FO Friday: The Plan and The Dress 2.0 – 3.0

FOfridayIt’s been another busy week in my household.

A friend opened an Esty shop on Wednesday.

Well I had been thinking of doing this for a while, so I did a little research, and opened my own shop on Esty.

Introducing Willows Knitwear and Patterns

I can now sell patterns, as well as finished Items.

The Plan goes on.


Beryl Blanket

Plus 3 hexes

Plus 3 hexes

(67 + 3 = 70)


Mile a minute afghan

Unfortunately the afghan got no attention today,

The siren call of the sewing room finally got to me.

I have begun The Dress 2.0, and 3.0 watch for the separate post… On the plus side, I had everything I needed in my stash, Pattern, Fabric and Notions. Hope to have this one done for  the next wedding I’m attending.

Current WIP List (11)

  1. All about love shawlette  10% done Started Aug 3,13 (for Aug Kal)
  2. Rose Harbour Shawl 75% done started Jun 28/13
  3. Isla lace Pillowcase edge  52% done started June 18/13
  4. Box of Boxes Blanket Long term project  ( 28 squares) started Jan 23/13
  5. Beryl Blanket – Long term project (67 + 3 = 70 hexes) started Nov 21/11
  6. Mile a minute afghan – crochet 50% done started Apr 24/13
  7. Pine Forest Baby Blanket 50% done  started Jan 11/12
  8. Sea of Dreams Blanket 75% done started Mar 9/13
  9. SPROUT – Growing Roots sweater 60% done started May 17/12
  10. Top Down Swing Pullover 98% done started Jan 1/13
  11.  Fanflower Fling  50% done started Jul 12/13
  12. Ruffle Scarf   Done started Dec 3/12 finished Jul 7/13
  13. Cozy Winter Shawl   Done started Dec 1/12 – finished Jul 11/13
  14. Eileen Dress  Done started Jun 21/13 – finished Jul 11/13 
  15. Easy Peasy Shawl – 95% done started Jul 14/12 – finished Jul 17/13

FO’s 2013 = 80

3 + 96 Squares & Hexes

WIPS 2013 = 11

Used of 38 purchased patterns from Rav = 9 (29 to go)

Stash Used 2013 = 69

Sewing FO’s = 1

Books 2013 = 23

Thanks again for visiting,

cya next weds :0)

I’m off to visit Tami’s, then on to my blogwalk

come join me in the blogpond :0)

Find me on and also my Etsy shop

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Jenn Thiele
    Aug 10, 2013 @ 21:57:45

    Thanks for the post with the link to my etsy shop ….I’ve even had some traffic from right here! I’m so happy that I spurred you to start a shop too. We should talk about doing a table at the Courtice Flee Market at Knit Night.


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