Renewing Strength in time of Disasters

New International Version (NIV)

31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Cover for a NIV Bible

Cover for a NIV Bible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Exhaustion is prevalent in the recouping in the time of disaster.

We salvage until we cannot salvage no more.

We write our inventory list until we have exhausted all possibilities of what was in our home.

We register with FEMA.

We register with the State.

We register with the city.

We run hither and fro.

We run ourselves to exhaustion.

Yet this isn’t what God wants us to do. He is our strength amidst everything going on. He knows what we need exactly. He knows what struggles we are going through. He has been there even before we have been there.

New International Version (NIV)

18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Christ was tempted in every way that we are tempted. He walked the same road we have walked about. He is the one who helps us when we are tempted. He also walks the same road with us when we struggle.

There may be ways that yes you are upset, but remember He loves you, He knows what is tempting for you. His love also endures. If you lean upon his STrength you will fly like an eagle.

Many times I found myself struggling just to do the everyday things after the storm. Especially the new routine, but then would kick in. I eventually was able to mount up and soar like an eagle.

I had some days off that I needed very much so. A day to welcome my mom and sister back from Thailand, and yet this trip never took place. I was able to enjoy a day of rest away from the hustle and bustle of work, and to spend time with my boyfriend Mark (now Husband).

I also took the time off to go see the David Crowder Band, and boy am I glad I did. It was a night of  worship. A night to enjoy. A night of fun.

English: I am the originator of this photo. I ...

English: I am the originator of this photo. I hold the copyright. I release it to the public domain. This photo depicts American musical group David Crowder Band performing in Lincoln, Nebraska. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He knows when we have hit rock bottom. He knows when we are slowly trudging through the valley’s He knows it all.

Will you take the time to be in His Word Soaking it up?

Will you treasure those moments in His word?

Will you rest in his arms wrapped around you?

Will you trust Jesus as your saviour and Lord?

My Help comes from the Lord. 

Will you show compassion to the survivors?

Are you willing to pray for the Survivors?

His love never fails.

Love.  It Endures.






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