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The Sons of Terror


God’s Thoughts to Me

These are the nations that the Lord left in the land to test those Israelites who had not experienced the wars of Canaan … These people were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the commands the Lord had given to their ancestors through Moses (Judges 3:1-4, NLT).

The Fearsome Hittites


Earlier this year Metro Goldwyn Mayer, in co-operation with History Channel screened a new television drama about early medieval Scandinavia. It is the story of a famous Norse hero, Ragnar Lodbrok.

This Viking farmer, his brother, Rollo, his wife, the shield maiden, Logertha, and a few other warriors loyal to Ragnar, were the first Norsemen who sailed west to England.

They raided the English of tons of gold and silver ornaments, precious gemstones and jewelry. They even took a few Englishmen back to Norway as slaves. These warriors were formidable, fierce and powerful and filled many a brave soul with terror just on hearing their names.


As I was reading an article on the book of Judges, I met another tribe of people who were just as fearsome and powerful as these Norsemen: the Hittites. They were the third major nation our Lord left in Canaan.

God did not allow Joshua to conquer all Israel’s enemies for He knew their hearts. The new generation was already turning away from their Lord and prostituting themselves by worshipping other gods (Judges 2:17).


Our Pappa wanted to teach them how to war against these formidable foes who each represented a fleshly, worldly or satanic principle that have been with man since the day Adam decided to live life on his own.

The Hittites were a formidable nation and were spread out over an immense area. Their name comes from the name “Heth”, meaning “Sons of Terror”. These fierce warriors were big, strong and fearless opponents.


They may have long come and gone, but their gremlins of fear, that spirit of terror certainly has not. This spirit holds the whole world in its iron grip of hatred, violence, corruption, terrorism and wars.

When we look at our Lord Jesus’ words, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world”, why is it that so many of our Pappa’s children are still held captive and controlled by the Hittite enemy? (John 16:33).

Can it be that the Hittites have masqueraded themselves in religious garb or Angel of Light attire? It might just be. Way too many Christian lives are held captive and controlled by the Hittite enemy.


It should come as no surprise. Paul warned us, “I know that false teachers , like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock … distort the truth in order to draw a following” (Acts 20:29-30).

One thing the world has no shortage of, is preachers and teachers doing their own thing in Jesus’ name, each having their own set of followers. They fleece their flock for their own gain, leaving their sheep shivering and starving in the winter cold.


I used to be one of these naked, poor sheep. I have seen my fair share of hirelings running away as fast as they could when wolves were attacking and scattering the flocks.

Our Lord told us the reason, “The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep” (John 10:13).

But I have also experienced the love, the mercy, the grace and goodness of the good Shepherd who sacrificed His life for me and reconciled me to my Pappa. I have experienced perfect Love that casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).


I have the privilege of drinking daily, deeply from the Fountain of Life … of experiencing life in His Loving Embrace. I have the joy of having a Pappa who picks me up when the wolves come … a Father who comforts me with the beat of His heart.

Much love and sweet blessings.


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I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

30 thoughts on “The Sons of Terror

  1. The Vikings, Normans and Romans all invaded England at different times and that seems to be the story (or a recurring pattern anyway) in human history – one people invading another. Later on , as we all know, England made her mark of conquest on many countries and cultures as well, becoming a major colonial power. It was said then that the sun never set on the British empire but of course that is no longer true today. Satan will always try to invade our lives and steal our peace and joy and replacing it with fear and anxiety and even to pressure us to lose faith in God but Jesus has overcome the world and placed the serpent under our feet and we have no need to fear the devil like people feared the Hittites. In fact, the devil ought to tremble when we say the name of Jesus! Hallelujah to the King of King and Lord of lords and His righteous kingdom shall reign forever. Thanks for a thought provoking post. God bless. 🙂

    1. Dear Vilisi
      Welcome to my blog. What an honor to have you visiting! Yes, the devil will always do his utmost to keep this world in hatred and destruction. But as you said, we have victory over Him as we abide in our Lord Jesus.
      Much love XX

  2. Mia, thank you for your words that are always teaching me, encouraging me to spend more time in His word and drawing me closer to Him. You bless me.
    Much love,

  3. Thank you for you informative post here at “Tell Me a Story.” It is so important to read our Bible for ourselves. I love to contribute to ministries who are doing a good work, and do not have a large salary going to the CEO. That is why it is important to research before you give. Many of the non-denominational churches are owned by the Pastor. There are some who refuse to take a salary and instead receive income from their books, tapes and videos. Joyce Meyer is one, and there are others. I am sorry you were fleased by a wolf. I too have been disalusioned by some, but I chose to forgive their sinning heart and move on with my life. At present I attend a formal church, mostly seniors, and as they pass away, the church wonders about their future. The answer is new babies, or in other words – – New converts!

    1. Dear Hazel
      That is the right attitude. Forgive and move on. I find it is often a case of them also being deceived themselves and then it is such a joy to ask our Pappa to forgive them too, for they don’t know what they were doing.
      Blessings XX

  4. Thank you for sharing this post, Mia, over at WholeHearted Home last week. The pictures in your posts are always so strikingly beautiful. I loved the second to the last paragraph: “But I have experienced….”

    1. Dear Judith
      It is such a joy to link-up at your place. I am grateful that your linky is growing every week. I enjoy the diversity of posts that we find there.

  5. Mia – My husband & I have been watching the Bible series. We were just talking about how much the nation of Israel had to war for their freedom. Our discussion was that we too, as children of God must also rise up to fight for truth, stand up for, The One True God…not accepting false representations or religions tainted with idolatrous notions. Your words reinforce God’s call on us, as believers to STAND with a God who we can have personal relationship with. One who went to the cross, intercedes, and died for us! Thanks for these words friend! ~ Jen

    1. Dear Jen
      Yes, we need to be so aware of the enemies we will encounter along our way into the complete rest of Jesus. But, as He told the Israelites, we need to be at rest for He will do the fighting for us as we run to Him, submitting ourselves to Him, resisting the evil ones!

  6. I thought it was interesting that the vikings had a mullett hair-style going on – so fierce but businessin the front and party in the back as my boys would say! In the storyline, I loved the part where they captured the priest who brought Jehovah into their midst – and changed them!

    I hold on tight that our Pappa is a fierce protector who keeps the hungry wolves away – yet is so gentle with us – I wish the world could see that love and step into its embrace!

    Blessings to you Mia – your messages are always bold and gentle encouragements!

    1. Oh, boys and their sayings! It saddens me how the evil one keeps humanity in the dark through lies and deceit about their Father’s love!
      Blessings and love XX

    1. Dear Emily
      Thanks for all your kind words! I appreciate it so much! Yes, where do we want to be, but close to His heart.
      Much love XX

  7. Dear Mia,
    Thank you for the history lesson….so much truth packed in your post…So grateful you have experienced the goodness of Pappa and you are sharing with others…much love, my friend 🙂

    1. Dear Dolly
      Once we come to our Lord Jesus and He overwhelms us with His love, it cannot but spill over to others, don’t you think!

  8. Wow. Great history lesson and moral lesson. Fear of any enemy is not revering the One who holds all of us His hand. Excellent piece, Mia.

    1. Dear Floyd
      Any irrational fear, dear friend, is straight from the pit of hell! Let us rather come to our Pappa with reverence and fear Him with a healthy fear.

  9. “But I have also experienced the love, the mercy, the grace and goodness of the good Shepherd who sacrificed His life for me and reconciled me to my Pappa.”

    And that makes all the difference! Love your passion for the Lord, Mia. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Dear Lisa
      Beth from Messy Marriage said the other day that once our Lord takes us through the Narrow Gate, we never are the same afterwards!
      Blessings to you.

    1. Dear Sheila
      Thank you, dear friend! I always say that only where our Lord is, there is life! So all glory to Him.
      Much love XX

  10. It’s so good to know that our Father is bigger and more fierce in protecting us than any enemy in our lives. I was meditating on that just this morning, Mia. Your words of wisdom here add to my sense of His presence and comfort in my life. Thanks for always sharing God’s truth here, my friend.

    1. Dear Beth
      Yes, dear friend, just like Joshua, we need to allow our Lord to walk before us and battle the enemy with us!

  11. Mia, I have just read your piece. As usual your work is informative and encouraging. I will have more understanding when I read the term Hittite in the future.

    Pressing on,
    Pat Orr

    1. Dear Pat
      Thank you for visiting! I am so glad when you are encouraged by my posts! Yes, dear friend, let us keep keeping on!

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