Posted in Imperfect Prose, James Fowler, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Mosaic Law, Religious Deception, Spirituality, Tell His Story, The Pharisees, Torah

The Seven Dwarfs


God’s Thoughts to Me

But I warn you – unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:20, NLT).

The Seven Pharisees


In May 2012 the movie, Snow White and the Huntsman, was released by Universal Pictures. I totally fell in love with the uber-cute real-life little dwarfs in this new release.

Who would ever forget how valiantly Gus fought in the Dark Forest and took the arrow meant for Snow White to save her life.

I had to peck away a tear or two, for just the previous night the two of them danced so beautifully together.


As I was reading an article of James Fowler called Pharisaism, I met another bunch of seven “dwarfs”, if you would pardon my pun.

I had a good giggle when I read about how the Talmud described the seven types of Pharisees.

The first group they identified was the “Shoulder” Pharisee. These were the guys whose shoulders were never big or wide enough to accommodate all their good deeds, like keeping the Sabbath, feeding the hungry, etc.


They tithed to the last drop of wine they owned before taking even one sip and prided themselves on the fact that they were not like the scum of the earth such as the publicans and their kind.

It seems to me they were not part of the crowd when our Lord Jesus taught the people not to let their left hand know what their right hand was doing (Matthew 6:3). Nope, they loved blowing their own trumpet!

Then we meet Mr Wait-a-Little. They were the cautious ones who would weigh all their options a few times, and then wait a little more, before they would do a good deed or help someone in need.

I think we can also call them the Forever Sabbatarians; totally ignorant of Solomon’s advice, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them!” (Proverbs 3:27).


And then, there is the poor Mr Bruised Holier-than-Thou. They walked around with their eyes downcast to avoid looking at women, oblivious to the lustful devils reigning in their hearts, “But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).

Can you imagine how unclean they would have been if they accidentally, mind you, touched a menstruating woman; not to mention a despised Gentile or Samaritan! Gross!!!


The fourth group they identified was the Hunchbacks. They were not Quasimodo’s ancestors, but the guys who made a big show of trying to be humble.

Perhaps they were trying to win our Pappa’s favor and were well aware that, “God opposes the proud but favors the humble” (James 4:6).

What better way of showing off your humility than walking with a bent back! I am sure they had to endure excruciating back pain because of their hypocrisy.


Close on Mr Hunch Back’s heels follows Mr Ever-Reckoning. This poor guy was a useless mathematician and was forever tallying his good and bad deeds.

This gentleman never seemed to get the scales to balance and was therefore never certain of his standing before our Pappa. What a God-forsaken place to be!

If you search well enough, you might find Mr Scary-Pants hiding in the closet. These guys were forever trying to hide from the wrath of our Pappa for they were lending out their itching ears to the enemy who slyly told them horror stories about their heavenly Father.


They were convinced our Pappa was a monster looking for the slightest excuse to annihilate them. It does not seem as if these guys were familiar with the words of King David’s beautiful psalm, “But even in darkness I cannot hide from you” (Psalm 139).

Then there were also the ones who loved their Pappa and respected Him as their God. Nicodemus and Gamaliel were thought to be good examples of this group. The Kingdom of Heaven accommodates all kinds and flavors, it seems!


Before we shake our heads in innocence, in self-righteousness and with a know-it-all smirk, let us do some serious introspection. Let us ask ourselves how many of these evil dwarfs are hiding in the remote niches of our hearts.

When I was lost in the Kingdom of Insecurity, I used to allow my good deeds to subtly slip into my conversations in the hope of convincing my fellow churchgoers that I was a good Christian.


I knew my alleged enemies much better than I did my Lord Jesus. In fact, I knew them each by name: the demon called Rejection … Death … Insanity … Condemnation … Illness … Unbelief … Doubt … etc … and the worst of them all; Jezebel!

I was worse than the worst Scary-Pants and petrified of my Pappa, convinced He was a mean, exacting God expecting me to earn even His slightest smile.

I was totally deceived by the archenemy of humanity, Satan, who was conquering my mind with his greatest weapon: religion!


Let us bare our hearts to the Light of Heaven, allowing Him to chase away and destroy all the gremlins incubating and hatching in the humid darkness of our souls.

Oh, that He would capture and destroy all those pestering little foxes who ruin the vineyard of our Love!

Let us come to Him with the candor of a little child assured of His waiting arms longing to envelop us in His Loving Embrace.

Much love and sweet blessings.


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I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

37 thoughts on “The Seven Dwarfs

  1. Mia, you are a good writer and so able to get your point across to your reader in a way that is convicting. You also made this so interesting. Thanks for linking up at WholeHearted Home.

    1. Dear Judith
      Thank you, dear friend! I just know that writing in Jesus’ name is quite a big responsibility and we need His grace and wisdom so much to bring Him and Him alone the glory!
      Much love XX

  2. This was a wonderful post. I so enjoyed it – even though some of those Pharisee-dwarfs were a little too recognizable in me!

    May God give us a full measure of His Spirit so that we can stand strong in Him.


    1. Dear Sharon
      Oh yes, that we will receive grace upon grace to get rid of these dwarves hiding in our hearts!
      Much love XX

  3. Mia,
    Right on. There is no one who can say, I do not sin. We do. In our thoughts, our actions, even our hopes. Thank the Lord for grace. For it is by grace we are saved. Thank goodness. We cannot reach perfection this side of heaven, can we.
    But we trudge on – hopeful that we are living the light of Christ.

    1. Dear Janis
      Yes, my friend, we can only live in Jesus and allow Him to live His life in and through us. We cannot!!
      Much love XX

  4. Mia, this was a delightful story. You used so much humor but then you delivered the punch line. We can get trapped into thinking like some of those seven dwarfs or even worse by the enemy who builds a wall between us and God. Certainly, this post is food for thought.

    1. Dear Janis
      Yes, dear friend, we do need to take a good look at our hearts and the reasons for why we do the things we do! Thanks for reading and visiting.
      Much love

  5. Mia, this was so so good. I think maybe because you taught me something new. So much is new and sometimes this is frustrating but many times Im just so happy for the people God uses to help me in my walk. I need to sit and read this a few times and let it sink in. Powerful!
    Much love,

    1. Dear Beth
      I am glad you are encouraged and our Pappa God will teach us what we need to know, we just need to ask. He promised us that His Spirit with lead us in all truth.
      Much love

  6. Oh, how I love this Mia! I grew up being taught to be a “Mr Ever-Reckoning” – and had a hard time grasping that when I gave my life to the Father – that I no longer had to balance those scales – it was too easy – I thought I was being tricked – but God is amazing like that! Love.Love.Love how you explain those dwarves!

    1. Oh yes, the glory and beauty of the gospel of our Lord Jesus is truly scandalous and so simple actually.
      Much love

  7. Your post caused me to smile, but it is serious too! It is sad the attitudes of some people (then we look at ourselves and say “OH ME”) I loved your post. Thanks for sharing at “Tell Me a Story.”

    1. Dear Hazel
      Yes, we often look at the splint in another’s eye, but are totally blind to the plank in ours. Oh, that Jesus would open our eyes and create in us clean hearts!
      Much love XX

  8. Ooh, I really liked that line, “I knew my alleged enemies much better …” That’s so true. We often know and familiarize ourselves with those dreaded “demons” more than we do Christ and His loving qualities lived through us. Very interesting thoughts on the Pharisees too and comparing them to the “seven dwarfs” made me smile. I had no idea the Talmud identified these stereotypes! Thanks for enlightening us to our silly human efforts to look “godly”, Lisa, when all we have to do is let Him shine through us.

    1. Dear Beth
      I couldn’t believe either that the Talmud looked at the Pharisees this way. But I had such a good laugh when I read this, that I had to share!
      Much love x

  9. Mia, you’re so right! His arms are always waiting for us, longing to envelop us in His embrace! I am so thankful for His love and mercy! Blessings, Alisha

    1. Dear Alisha
      Oh, where else could we ever go or want to be than in His arms. So grateful that His arms are always welcoming us back.
      Much love

    1. Dear Emilie
      Oh, these guys are so comical, but I think we all have a few hiding in the dark corners of our hearts. Oh, that Jesus will chase them all away for good!
      Much love XX

  10. Mia, Your message here takes some serious introspection! One that I don’t want to look at but know that it is necessary. Thank you for this truth even thought it is hard. I am continually being refined…

    1. Dear Rachael
      I think we will only be finished being refined when we go to be with our Pappa! So let us allow Him to form our pliable hearts with His love.

  11. Great lesson on the seven Pharisees. I used to carry baggage of the same name and they still try to rear their ugly head now and again, but they have no hold on me since my Father enlightened me… rules… sheesh…

    1. Dear Floyd
      This is so true! They love rearing their ugly heads, telling us terrible lies, but we know where to run to when this happens.
      Much love

  12. Mia, our Abba Father has recently revealed the ugly faces of a few of my long-befriended gremlins. That unveiling is painful; it’s never pleasant to see the ugly in ourselves. But He is faithful to restore, renew, and hold us in His loving embrace.
    Thank you my dear sister for another beautiful post.
    Blessings and love ~ Mary

    1. Dear Mary
      I have read a while ago that we shouldn’t be disgusted with ourselves when our Lord starts revealing those gremlins, for that means He is working to clean our hearts. We have reason to worry if He doesn’t.
      Much love

  13. I am impressed at the amount of studying you must have did to write this post. Informative writing that causes me to check my own heart. Good post

    1. Dear Betty
      Thank you for your kind words and visit. Yes, it makes us take serious inventory, don’t you think!
      Hugs XX

  14. “I used to allow my good deeds to subtly slip into my conversations hoping to convince my fellow churchgoers that I was a good Christian.” Wow- yup, SO have been there- good post Mia! Thanks for linking up again!

    1. Dear Ren
      Oh, I am so grateful that our Lord leads us out of that mindset. We certainly cannot do it ourselves.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Alecia
      Oh, that we would see well enough to find the plank in our eyes. This is so true, dear friend!
      Much love XX

    1. Dear Lyli
      That is what makes our Lord Jesus so very precious. When He comes to live in us, His humbleness becomes ours!
      Blessings and love

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