Food & Sleep After a Disaster

Many times when a disaster strikes we go into full force of not being able to eat. I was in shock, and it took me about 3 weeks to adjust and eat correctly. Shock is at the very beginning where it is hard to comprehend all that is going on. That night Mark (my boyfriend @ the time, now my husband) had to get me to eat, even if it meant getting up at 4:45 am and getting me food to eat. I was not staying with Mark permanently at all. It was a one time staying with Him, for my safety. I was in my first temporary home that Monday night.

The survivors need good good nutrition to continue to work in the ground zero (disaster zone), and it has got to be filled with protein. Each day a full breakfast may be eaten, but must include protein. It may be hard but it is worth it. It is harder to just not eat, but you need to the protein that comes in the healthy food.

During the summer and afterwards, Mark helped me to fully eat, and have a nutritional meal each time I was at the apartment spending time with Him. I am thankful for how well he took care of me during the times afterward.

Again FEMA has ways to help you prepare for eating after a disaster.

As you also settle into your temporary homes remember to gather the right type of food to eat. Including everything from each food group. You will need the food from each of the groups. It will benefit your system very much so. As you keep eating the protein will help you with your weight and everything.

Sleep is next in your recovery from a disaster. We must need the sleep of the first few days after a disaster, this is after the disaster.

I know this time is very difficult for people to eat but eating in necessary for your health during this time. I cannot stress this enough. You will also tire out very much if you don’t have the proper nutrition. Sleeping at least 8 hours a night will give you the strength to carry on toward getting your needs met.

As you meet the needs of your family, and taking care of your self. Life begins to unfold again. Then you will begin to find God in your circumstances.

Yes, when disaster strikes, it takes us by surprise. We are met with obstacles that take our breath away. We are met with surmountable struggles and stress. Yet this is where our faith comes in. Our faith is so important during this time, and in times of everything. He grants us decisions that were made for our families, children. He helps us along the rocky road of recovery. A recovery through Him. A recovery that gives us the new life to share with others what He has brought us through.

I am grateful for the platform of what I am able to do now. Write about my experience to share with others and how they can help survivors and not cut them down. We, as Christians, need to come alongside those who have been through disasters. If we don’t we are not doing what we have been taught to do. Jesus set the example for us, and we need to set the example in these and every circumstances. Leading a life filled to the brim of everything.

Husbands ad-mist all the struggles you are facing with decisions regarding insurance. Make sure you are strong and stable in the God’s True Word. Praying for the right move to be made. Praying for your children in the home, and the right place to move for your Children.

Wives, ad-mist the decisions you make with your husbands regarding everything. Make sure you are also in God’s True Word. Praying along with your husband. Praying alone with God. Listening to the still small voice. Listening intensely. Taking care of the children who need you in life’s circumstances. Taking care of their needs of food and nutrition.

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