Inspiration from Rose Tarlow

I adore Rose Tarlow. It’s hard not to admire someone who can instantly take you to a happy place through their beautiful designs.
Rose%204 I am not the first to profess such adoration. Many others have come before me. Bloggers such as Brooke from Velvet and Linen and Joni, from Cote de Texas, who has several posts in which she poetically weaves words of admiration in a way in which only she can. 
image_thumb111 But I am perhaps the first to devote an entire school semester to sketching Ms. Tarlow’s designs.  I first tried to sketch her Sol mirror. It was not one of my better sketches. I soon found out that creating the illusion of a reflective surface is quite difficult. 
arar01_tell_all_tarlow I have saved my copies of Veranda and Architectural Digest that feature her work. They are well worn from being thumbed through so often. 
20100209144818_00006 Did you happen to notice the table in the above photo?  I believe it might be the piece which inspired her Louis XIII side table. Swoon.
4_org_RTMH_249_Louis_XIII_Side_Table_H This was just one drawing in my final sketchbook that I had to present . The majority of my book contained  sketches that represented her designs.
D & R263 But do you think that I would even attempt to draw her most famous piece? You know the one. Even Hollywood loves this piece of furniture.
image_thumb33 Things That Inspire wrote an entire blog post about this table. The Nantucket Table.
4_org_RTMH_233_Nantucket_Side_Table_H After my mother unexpectedly passed away a few weeks ago I wanted to be anywhere but a classroom drawing a room that had to feature a staircase. So I transported myself through pen to a lovely beachside home.
design 029 Indeed I did draw that table. I hope someday to own it.

design 029-1 I also took inspiration from a favorite lamp style…
_9301518_thumbnail …and a coveted settee.
img79n I got a B- on the drawing. Humph! I think instead I will let you guys grade me.
Do you know how hard it is to draw realistic columns? I’m still practicing.
design 027 I think I have gotten better at reflection (hence the chandelier arm in the mirror) as well as reflective surfaces ( like the faucet).
design 028 In the end I received an “A” in my Drawing and Rendering class, all four of my classes actually. But that class was the class I wanted to quit.
Yesterday, as my Space Planning instructor was returning our final projects she announced that she gave out only one perfect score on the final project. She said she went over the entire project with her architectural scale double checking all of the dimensions~ thinking it couldn’t be possible~ but she could find no errors. She then said that this was the same student who missed over two weeks of class due to a car accident and her mother passing away. As she handed me my project I burst into tears. I sobbed all the way home.
D & R265 But now it is time to celebrate. So, if  you’ll excuse me, I have to go do the Smarty Pants Dance.
Please forgive me for not being able to comment recently. I imagine that most of you remember finals week.

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