February 24, 2013

Tot time Preschool Letter G

It's G week and we have been looking forward to this week for some time now. You see, my Little one loves gum balls, that's right, I'm sure some of you are gasping about the sugar and dye in these yucky little balls, however he loves them. Don't worry we don't give them to him often, they are a special treat for a special occasion. This week was one of those great gum chewing times. So come along and see how we explored the letter g. 
This was Little B's table set up, Green Play dough, Gorilla's, a green bean sensory bin, a girl, a goat, and lot's of animal books. 
His tot trays this week were Glitter glue, Giraffe's, sorting gloves, lacing a goldfish, and coloring G papers with a green marker. 
Painting with green shaving is always a huge hit at our house.
Little B loves bath time so this week he had a green sensory bath. I had several items that I picked up from the dollar store for St. Patrick's Day that I put into the bath (bead necklaces, and lot's of shiny coins). He played and painted until the water was to cold.
Green Goo, he played with this for an hour, in fact all the kids got into this and wanted there own. 
If you need the recipe you can find it here. Have fun!

Sorting out  Green Gumballs
This was a feast for his little eyes, all the shiny colored balls.  
This was a great activity, he worked on colors, learning what the word green looks like, the letter g, and his fine motor skills. Of course after the activity he was allowed to pick 2 gumballs.

For the letter g I knew that I had to do a sensory bin full of gumballs. I purchased a big container at Bj's(Costco). I hid little item's that start with the letter g and he found them, then I hid them again, he found them again, then again, and again.
Wouldn't you want to play in this too?

We closed are week with 3 Games of Candy land, another G word.
I hope everyone else had a great week and you enjoyed seeing some of Little B's G activities. If you like what you see here I would love if you followed me, we are learning and creating new and exciting things daily.  
I'm linking up this week at 1+1+1=1

These are a few of the items that we used this week for letter G learning fun. I hope this helps you explore letters with your child. 


  1. Looove the Gumball Sensory Bin :)

  2. Gumball sensory bin is awesome!! We are doing G week next week and I'm going to have to look for some! I pinned this to my tot school board!

    1. Thanks, The best price I found was at a wholesale store,cost is about $6.00 but it was so worth it.

  3. We did G in our Tot/Pre School this week too. I loved seeing your approach - so much fun for the senses! It's inspirational! I'll be your newest follower. I found you at the Homeschool Creations linkup. I'd love it if you checked out our G week too.

    1. I commented on your page, I loved it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love all those gumball activities. Did you son get to eat any of the gumballs? I would love to do this with my son, but I think he would just eat all of the gumballs which clearly wouldn't be good for him. ;)

    1. :) definitely not, He was allowed to pick 2. He was a happy boy :) Thank you soooo much for checking out our learning fun with Letter G.

  5. I love the gumball activities here! Thanks so much for sharing these activities with us. :)

  6. Thank you Mary Catherine, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


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