Practically wordless: Midweek Macros

I could have done a “Macro Monday” but who wants to be normal? And anyway, “Midweek Macros” sounds much cooler.

On Saturday I headed into the garden with my eye attuned to finding macro images. I’m not good at macro photography yet, but I do love it. And I am trying to learn. Enjoy. (Click on images for slightly bigger versions.)

21 thoughts on “Practically wordless: Midweek Macros

  1. I think your macro photos are awesome! Much better than I can do. I’m glad you have some pretty flowers to look at (and photograph) in the middle of winter.

    • Hi Jamie… Well, of course it is summer down here in South Africa. But I sure could do with slightly cooler weather right about now.

  2. We are working on macro photography in classes and I will show your blog examples tomorrow on the screen if that is okay by you. Thanks.

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