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Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Thoughts on Anxiety

O's world is filled with anxiety. It's one of the side effects of his SPD. Living in an unpredictable world. Being unsure what sights, sounds and textures might bombard his sensory system. Although he has made great progress in so many areas, I still see his anxiety, almost daily.

Yesterday, we were able to play outside. It was cloudy, but not too cold. So, we ventured into the backyard. We played baseball and soccer and climbed the ladder to his "pirate ship."

However, when I suggested he try the swing, he immediately said, "No." I asked him several more times during our playtime. Finally, he agreed.

When I lifted him onto the swing, his body was tense. He was not allowing me to help bend his legs and wouldn't let go of me, so he could hold onto the chains. He was resisting the movements that he feared would harm him, when in actuality, they would have helped him be more secure on the swing. He was in full panic mode.

I bent down in front of him, once he finally put his hands on the chains. I spoke softly and tried to get him to focus on me, not on the swing. It didn't work. He was ready to get off the swing, back onto solid ground.

Not only does O struggle with anxiety because of his SPD, but I also believe it is a part of his genetic make-up. You see, I also struggle with anxiety, daily. There are many things that make me uneasy and distressed.

It is for me and O that I chose this passage, from Philippians, for today's scripture challenge theme - anxiety:

I read a post from Girls of God's Heart this past week about anxiety. In it, Kelly, the blogger, stated that anxiety and prayer are two great opposing forces. Also, in our small group last Sunday, the leader made the assertion that faith and fear are opposites. Based on this passage of scripture, and practical experience, I believe both of those statements to be true.

As I reflected on this passage, these statements, and O's reaction to the swing, I realized that God does not want me to be anxious. Instead, He wants me to pray. He makes attempts to get my attention, speaking in a gentle whisper, and urges me to stop fighting, to let Him help.

Instead of getting flustered, I need to seek peace. That peace, "which exceeds anything [I] can understand," is only found in Him.

Do not be anxious....instead, pray
Do not be fearful...instead, have faith
Do not be restless...instead, seek peace

A Royal Daughter


Dr. Sara said...

I absolutely love those verses. I quote them to myself quite often.

Aritha V. said...

This is e posting that me touches. I am writing a blog ( I think a serie of 3 ) about fear :-) My fear. I am thinking now about you write: anxiety and prayer are two great opposing forces. Its true but I also know Jesus was very anxious. He also struggles with that and He prayed at te same time.

Falen said...

I love the illustration with O and the swing. It would be easier to focus on God than to struggle with the emotions that keep us paralyzed. But that paralysis has a faux grip that can feel suffocating, like it's stronger than God... So often the "let me help you" whisper is drowned out by the "it's too hard, it hurts too bad, and I'm too afraid" megaphone shouts. Faith is such a necessity. Taking that leap to trust. Best leap EVER! So thankful He catches me every single time!

Great post! This scripture challenge is wonderful! That's how I found ya!


Anonymous said...

What a great verse for today! That picture of you and O is precious, too! So glad that this challenge is introducing so many great scriptures and Godly advice into my life. Will be taking "do not be anxious, instead pray" to heart!

Anonymous said...

This challenge is amazing, thank you for sharing your heart and O's anxiety, I will be praying for you and yours. I am reminded of a little spider who says on the max lucado cartoon god is with me, god is with me, god is with me, i am working on taking my thoughts captive and replacing them with prayer, i am an anxious person too. Have a blessed day. Tara.

Rebecca S. said...

One of my favorite verses, thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

So the sermon at my church Sunday was about worry/anxiety and then you write this post. Clearly, I'm supposed to attack my own anxieties head on. Great, and inspiring post.

Kenya G. Johnson said...

Wonderful post. I love the photo and scripture which exudes strength. It reminded me of a scripture that I like. I am not sure right off which one it is, but I have it on a picture of an elephant and it says something like "be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Part of getting past any insecurity such as anxiety is having the courage to do so. Writing about it is a step in the right direction. Visting you from Desire to Inspire Thursday.

Unknown said...

I love this passage, and have it on my mirror. It's a gorgeous way to let us know that we'll be okay.

I have also struggled with severe anxiety, and still have bouts from time to time. My love and support are with you both!

Visiting you from the SITS Sharefest.

Create With Joy said...

Great post and great passage!

Congratulations - you are featured this week at Inspire Me Monday at

Create With Joy