Strings… [Historical Fiction]

A warm welcome to all Friday Fictioneers and a happy new year. We are back at it again and may this new year make us more committed to our blogs and improve our art…I am grateful for all thoughtful comments on this blog and followers, thank you!

It’s another friday, so we are back at Rochellewisofffields’ cafe. Feel free to hop in and read other fictioneers and do leave a comment behind–it tells us your are reading!


PHOTO: Roger Cohen
PHOTO: Roger Cohen

On the passage, John had fared by soothing the nerves of boarders with strings from his tonga.

At 5.4 feet and a 50kg body mass people mock his survival chances in the new world but fate holds something different…

At the Indian massacre, John played away to the tune of commerce but to his final capture.

In captive, every pull of the strings drew a maiden his way.

When Ponhatan, head-tribesman, was to strike with a club, the maiden couldn’t see her cord pull away so soon…

The next day, John was ashore pulling on his strings and Pocahontas gladly sleeps at the sound of his cords…

29 thoughts on “Strings… [Historical Fiction]”

  1. the pocahontas/john smith story has been told many times in many ways, but nobody has told this version – until now. well done.

  2. Dear Charles,

    Eddie Murphy said, “Musicians get all the…….”. Well you get the idea. A wonderful tale and the very essence of historical fiction. Love it.



  3. hi, charles long time. This is Ekene of Cruise Magazine. I hope you still remember. follow me on twitter let’s talk @KenisCruise

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