Monday, January 7, 2013

photo football

I am struggling with uploading pictures to my blog.  For some reason my options changed and I will have to do an "end around" play to get pictures from my computer.  This involves opening Picassa photo software to hold any pictures I want to use in blogging.  Not sure why and hate to use something so public but there it is.
Here is what I had done as of Saturday.  I now have two more setting triangles done.  I figure if I can do two blocks a day I should be finished by February!!!
I do love it and have enjoyed the chase.

Well "skinning the cat"  has its uses.  Ok Ok cat people I am talking about the phrase figuratively not literally.  Here is what I did at a class at Thistle Bee on Friday last.  Cute huh?
Maybe I can do one a month.  Now that I am underway on the Mystery Quilt and need to finish the Japanese Fan.

Oh well.
Sunny Quilting


  1. YEah I'm having the same trouble! I dodn't want to use Pisca at all. it took over all of my pictures on the other computer.

  2. Your Easy Street is looking great. Is one of the 4-patches turned around on the top block? It's been fun working on this with quilters from all over the world. I was having photo problems too, and now use Firefox with no problems. I think it's something to do with IE.
