new years resolutions

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first of all, happy new year!! we rang in the new year by taking silly photos, drinking martinellis, and spraying silly string all over the living room. how did you ring in your new years?

with the new year comes new years resolutions. i’m not one for resolutions. i’ve set one in my entire life and that was last year. it was to meditate every day. and you know what? i did! it didn’t inspire me to make a whole list of resolutions this year, but i thought it would be better to make a goals list each month. i feel as if i do it this way, i’m not setting myself up for failure or disappointment and the goals are more reachable and realistic. it also gives me the opportunity to complete more goals collectively in a year than if i were to make a couple big new years resolutions for the entire year.

so for january my goals are:

-paint the bedroom walls

-make and put up the headboard

-learn some crock pot recipes and put them to use at least two nights a week

-hang a shelf

-finish miss bee’s room

small list and totally reachable. plus, i am excited about each one of them

do you have any new year’s resolutions? are you anti-resolutions? share with me!


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