Friday Fictioneers 12/21/12

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers once again. Thanks Rochelle.
This photo prompt was a hard one for me.

I thought about it until I came up with a problem Christmas.
Just so you know Jim is Sam’s brother. Christmas is usually at the parents’ house, but this year without talking to Sam or the wife it was decided….


**Surprise Christmas**

“I can’t believe he did this!” I said slamming the letter on the table.
“What’s wrong? Who did what?” Sam turned and looked at me.
“Jim, I can’t believe he’d do this.”
I turned to leave the room before I started screaming.
“Wait,” Sam called after me. His eyes scanned the letter.
I turned, his eyes grew large as he reached the part of the letter that said Christmas would be at our house this year.
“Christmas is only four days away,” he said.
I felt my body tense. “How could he do this to me?”

Word Count: 96

12/21/12 is such a funny number to write! LOL

36 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers 12/21/12

  1. Dear Mari,
    Now that’s a believable story. No doubt this scenario gets played out and causes many a family feud. Good job.

  2. rebecca2000 says:

    Grrr. Well the nice thing about having it at your house is that you get the leftovers right? 😉

    • mari wells says:

      Alright, if you say so.

      • rebecca2000 says:

        LOL I love to cook and host. I have a gaggle of people coming to visit from out of town so they are staying with us. But then again I had while to plan. That said, I just sent my husband to the grocery store.

      • mari wells says:

        If they people would be happy with my cooking and not complain about what I’m doing, I’d love it too. Everyone says my food doesn’t taste good, because I cook very healthy and have to leave some stuff out because of severe food allergies. Then they get into the way I raise MY kids, and all hell breaks loose!
        It’s much easier not to bother.
        I’m glad you have a good time.

      • rebecca2000 says:

        well then they need to not invite themselves over. It is a complaint free zone.

      • mari wells says:

        After a few times, they realized we just don’t do it. Christmas is the hubby the kids and me.

  3. Christmas planning always make me tense!.Still doing that for this year. Grrr…You’ve captured it well here, Mari!

  4. Joyce says:

    Oh, oh. I feel a bit of stress coming on for this one too. Maybe a backup plan is in order to fix the problem.

  5. I would go out to a nice hotel, motel in the area and let them ring or pound at the door. It would serve them right. Or I would call and let them know since it was such short notice you hope they are bringing the meal as you hadn’t planned, budget doesn’t allow for extras this month and as they don’t care for your cooking they will be better off bringing enough for everyone. Then you fix what you need for you to not sufer the allergies. God Bless mari hope all will be well.

  6. kz says:

    four days?must be out of their damn minds ^^

  7. boomiebol says:

    This is a very well done and realistic story…somehow i like Christmas low key with family…Great job with this Mari

  8. billgncs says:

    this was an original take on the picture and well done. It shows how events can get out of hand, especially ones that are meant to be pleasurable.

  9. Sandra says:

    You know I can already feel the panic setting in. Beautifully put across and something different for the prompt.

  10. yerpirate says:

    Good sudden tension there! And yes, I can imagine how that might suddenly feel…not good!

  11. Yeah, I wouldn’t be too pleased about that, either!! I’m afraid this, or something similar, is too realistic for many families. I hope your Christmas is much more pleasant!

  12. Timely story…however, I realize she did all the stressful pre-planning and cooking but wonder why she didn’t say….”How can he do this to US” which includes the husband and kids. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  13. tedstrutz says:

    Good one… Lots of questions here.

  14. erinleary says:

    Love that the news came by letter. Nothing like a surprise with bed news…

  15. Dear Mari,

    What is it with human beings? Simple details all screwed up. Emotions out of nowhere spoiling a happy time. You captured the chaos of Christmas perfectly.



  16. rich says:

    but…but…96? you have four more words to add and make a good story even better? maybe she slammed and broke something, kicked something. or maybe she secretly smiled. or maybe…four more words!

  17. Parul says:

    ohh! Last minute surprise party… in your own house and the surprise is on you!
    I have been there… Very close to real life this one.
    Well done!

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