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purr-fect friday fictioneers

December 20, 2012

This story is prompted for Friday Fictioneers – kindly hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Come try your hand at a 100 word story where each word counts. Here is today’s photo prompt

It takes so much work, but in the end it’s worth the effort. Of course dogs are much harder to train, dumb things that they are. I laugh at Pavlov, this training is art.

First establish dominance. You must become the boss. After that you gently nudge them until the behavior modification is complete and ingrained. I’m only telling you this because I’m your mother, and someday you’ll need to know these things.

You can thank me later, I’ll show you how it works. Just jump up here with me and she’ll be right over to love and pamper us.

  1. Russell permalink

    We were on the same wave length this week, Bill. Nicely done.

  2. Well told Bill, you got them pegged just like they have their owners pegged too.

  3. I have actually had good experiences with cats. We kept them outdoors for the mice. I’m allergic to them anyway.

  4. Loved it. I don’t think these cats are evil. just demanding. 😀

  5. haha cats training humans… what is this world coming to?? ^^ oh but they are sweet creatures aren’t they.. manipulative, sure, but sweet ^^

    • and the best part ( for them ) is we don’t even know they are doing it!

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Yup, those cats know how to train humans… I actually think the dogs are harder for a cat.

  7. cats aren’t stupid. they got it figured out. it’s up to us to comply or have your throats slit while we sleep.

  8. Bill,
    My cats told me to tell you you have it all right. They’re also claiming to have written all my good stories and are demanding I leave now to go buy a cartload of canned salmon. Ron

  9. Dear Bill,

    You really nailed cats with this story. i love it when that happens. Great POV tale.



  10. This is very clever!
    I am not a big fan of cats. I am sure that’s what they think about their well-meaning, unaware owners!
    Liked this one a lot.

  11. Loved it! A great story by a well-trained human 🙂

  12. Considering how much work cats do compared to humans in their relationship, I think you’d hit the nail on the head.

  13. I’ve never seen so many erudite cats all together in one place. Nice one Bill.

  14. Cute, Bill! I like the training idea. Cats always get their way somehow. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  15. Smarter for sure! Love and Pamper, and maybe to swat off the table.

  16. And that is what the cats do. 🙂

  17. JackieP permalink

    nice one!

  18. Dear Bill,
    Do read “Get Fuzzy”? If not , you should look it up. Your cat put me in mind of Bucky Katt in the comic strip.
    Shalom and Happy Christmas.

  19. Sort of obvious who the narrator was but still fun to read. Well done.

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