Flash Fiction Friday ~ Say Goodbye ~

Posted: December 12, 2012 in dark, fiction, Outdoors, writing
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FlashFictionFriday Globe and Laptop

Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for all her work and organization. You can visit her site and read through the other Flash Fiction Friday postings at:


For those who are new, Rochelle shares a photo prompt to which several #FridayFictioneers compose a 100-word flash of fiction. Fly away with me.

Here’s my contribution:

Say Goodbye

She’s a beaut, he thought, setting his torch down. With lover’s lips he blew on the cooling joint. His device was finally assembled.

Ratchet checked the laptop then eyed the soft cumuli.

“It’s time” flashed upon the screen with a ping.

The cylinder hissed cold on Ratchet’s palm as he torqued it to the armed position. He reassured himself this was the only way to limit the infection. Yes, the chemistry posed concerns, but the side-effects were purportedly within biological tolerances.

He released the contraption and watched it drift higher as something thicker than tears began to clot his vision.


  1. Oh my sounds like something they may be doing in the near future to the world…scary!!! Great take on the prompt:)

  2. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear JK,

    First one I’ve read for this week and I like it. Final measures taken by home based jury riggers against a deadly foe. Your piece had the perfect mix of humanity, last ditch ingenuity and sacrifice. Well done.



  3. Appears to me he gave his all in an effort to stop the infection. I hope it worked.

  4. wmqcolby says:

    I was in that world for 100 words and you pulled it off! Wonderful!

  5. Sandra says:

    You always come up with something really original JK, and this week is no exception. Really well done.

  6. yerpirate says:

    Nice- difficult genre but the drama is there..

  7. Parul says:

    Very interesting and novel.
    I didn’t know what cumuli meant until now. Thanks for the new knowledge! 🙂

  8. Dear JK,
    I had to read this one twice. You packed a wallop in a small space. Good job.

  9. Lovely piece. I like how it’s so tender and technical.

  10. There’s such a range of emotions here, from a tender beginning to the twist at the end. Great story.

  11. Hi J.K.,
    Thought this was a compelling and creative story, well-written, and you managed to create sympathy for your character as well. Ron

  12. unspywriter says:

    This was nice and dark and ironic and begs for more.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/status-update/

  13. lovely write up and unique

  14. brudberg says:

    A sinister and dark tone. A deadly avenger. I like

  15. rich says:

    the fun part is like having a pile of “things” in front of you as you read, the “things” being what it can be about. and then with each sentence, you sift a few away, few more, until you get down to what’s left. very well done. saving the world, one bomb at a time.

  16. Lots of stuff going on here. Kinda seems like a good movie to me.

  17. Abraham says:

    I get the feeling that he may have been misled.

    Good writing.

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