Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Getting back to living

I haven't much felt like posting anything lately. My mother passed away on August 27. The death certificate cited the cause of death as "Failure to thrive - adult." I think she just gave up trying to live. It has been a HUGE adjustment for me. I miss my mom every hour of every day. While I haven't really grieved, it is time for me to join the living again and get back into a routine.

I was supposed to be traveling today, and nothing was going right so I'm still home. Perhaps today will be a good day to begin cutting and sewing on the new Bonnie Hunter Mystery: Easy Street. There is a link to the mystery on my sidebar if you want to join the fun.

Having used up most of the greens and purples, as well as what little neutrals I had, in the quilt for Tajehra, it was necessary to go shopping. There is a store in Phoenix called Mulqueens. I was fortunate enough to shop on a day when all of their fabric was on sale. Here's what I purchased:

Purples (I will also be using some purple scraps left over from T's quilt):
Greens (not all of these will be used in the quilt - I have plent of green scraps):
Black on Whites, Grey and some remnant red:
I may decided to use the red instead of the grey. I'll have to make a few sample blocks to see which I like best.

Miscellaneous fabrics also purchased:
We (my sister and I) stopped at the Goodwill thrift store on our way home and I found these fabrics. There is 4 yards of the green and 1 yard of the red.
All of these fabrics, each being at least 1 yard, together cost less than $100. A very good deal, don't you think?

Tajehra's quilt, "There's No Place Like Home," made from rebuilt log cabin blocks:

I also need to finish the border on Orca Bay. I lost the written instructions in the move... but a few weeks ago I found them saved on a flash drive. YAY! The border will become my leader/ender project with Easy Street.


  1. My condolences on the passing of your mother. Perhaps this mystery quilt could be made in honor of her? Your "There's No Place Like Home" quilt is stunning! Best wishes!

  2. So sorry for your loss! Your quilt is lovely! I hope that you are able to use your quilting as therapy as you grieve your loss. My sewing and quilting has helped me through many things in life.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. We are all glad you plan to participate in the mystery and your color choices are beautiful.

  4. Before I started to read your post - I was reading the "about me" and thought to myself - wow,this Diane has a very full life indeed and we have 'aging' moms in common ( and cats...and dogs)....then I read your post and now offering a big HUG to you Diane!!! I'm so glad you decided to join in on Easy need some healing 'you' time. So very sorry on the loss of your mom...what a beautiful picture of her.

    My mom is 93 with dementia...unfortunately we work full time (even MORE than full time since we're self employed) but we are blessed that my Mom has lived near us for the last almost 6 years in an ALF...and I'm greatful for every day I have her.
