Christmas Hope- Friday Fictioneers 11/30


It is time again for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle who celebrated her 41st wedding anniversary yesterday, congratulations again. The lovely photograph is also courtesy of her. I have not been writing much lately, but I found a poem in my notes that sort of fits the mood I got from the picture (the blue of the sky is just speaks hope to me), and then last night…a prose like story came to me…I am sharing both.

Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome and appreciated as is your participation :). THANK YOU!!!

It was the evening before Christmas…5pm to be exact. I was bored; having been home alone all day…I never have company really, but not one to mope about being single, I decided to take a walk…

Last minute shoppers were running helter skelter…little boys and girls clutching tightly the hands of their fast paced parents…carolers parading the streets as heavy set white bearded men stood at corner shops jingling brass bells, singing of Christmas cheer…none for me though…

I looked up as my heart found itself soaring with the unusual bright of the night sky… hope seemed written in its blue…

It just might be a different Christmas I thought out loud…if only I knew how…


Christmas comes in cold winter December
Bringing hot cocoa, red ribbon tied presents
Glorious lights and evergreen trees

Families gather round
Wishing upon a twinkling star
Shinning bright over(on) Bethlehem night
Sweet kisses under mistletoes

Hoping the new year brings greater hope

55 responses »

  1. I hope the narrator (of both) finds not only hope but happiness and friendship during this holiday season and the new year. Loneliness is exacerbated during holiday times, I think, partly because it seems that everyone else has someone around. If we can just find some of those people and try to connect with them…

  2. Touched? Yes, I was. Some do get this feeling of loneliness for there is no one to share even the happy smile of the season with them. Your poem is tender and beautiful.

  3. Goodmorning, girl! Your short story and poetry truly are inspiring…I was deeply moved by both writings..I have not been able to write much in the last two years, for my life has been one of many changes..mostly of people around me leaving to start their own lives..sometimes a natural thing, sometimes not…I do not live alone precisely, but these two items you’ve written remind me so much of where I’m at, at the moment..especially the poem…it felt like you reached inside me somewhere and said what I could not say..yet you tell us this is a poem you wrote some time can be amazing that way…I have had a blog in my head for about a month now, and you have given me the courage to write it…thank you, Boomie…love, Cathy.

  4. Pingback: Christmas poems by Gerard Rochford. Yareah magazine, arts and writing | Yareah Magazine. Arts and writing

  5. Since losing loved ones, I make a point of not reading sad stories or sad movies which grip my emotional heartstrings…but I managed to read yours because I was in a good place today. I can’t promise the same for the rest of the holiday. Lovely work as usual, Boomie.

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