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Monday, November 19, 2012

Learning to Crochet......

This week is Thanksgiving. What better week to introduce a whole bunch of ornaments I've made!

So while perusing Ms. Martha's site, I found some super cute crocheted snowflakes and really liked them. The problem? I don't  didn't know how to crochet.

Its one of the few crafts that up until recently I really had no desire to learn. But then I had to learn, because I need these little crocheted snowflakes for my Christmas decor. So on a trip with Mom to Walmart, we got my necessary tools. One crochet hook, and a thingy of crochet thread. Thingy is a technical term.

Want to see my first crocheted snowflake?
He reminds me of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. He's not quite right, but there's something endearing about him. So I'm going to keep him.

Here are some of my later (and better) snowflake creations from Ms. Martha's site.

Starching and blocking is still not my favorite thing, but I am able to whip out 2 or so snowflakes in the time it takes me to catch up on two TV shows, so I'm thinking that I should be able to whip up enough of these beauts for the tree and maybe a garland or a stocking embellishment or two.

Anyone have any tips on starching and blocking? I'm all ears.


Linking up to:
  Making making monday marvelous linky party

1 comment:

  1. Oh those snowflakes are just beautiful! Well done for learning how to make them!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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