How to Make Glitter In Glass Ornaments

Handmade Christmas ornaments are so fun to make and give as gifts! This tutorial showing how to make glitter in glass ornaments is easy to follow and you can make them in any color you like. It takes the mess out of glitter ornaments by making the glitter stick to the inside...once you make these, you can decorate them in so many ways! They are fun for the family and kids to make together!

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Ornaments Using Glitter in Glass Ornaments

Once you learn to make glitter in glass ornaments, you can make so many other ornaments too! These ornaments use the base glitter in glass ornaments with added details and are so fun to make with your family!

How to Make Christmas Ornaments Video

What do you need to make glitter in glass ornaments?

Time needed: 5 minutes

How to Make Christmas Ornaments with the Glitter Inside

  1. Gather your supplies.

  2. Cover your work area with plastic or wax paper.

    The floor polish will stick to whatever it lands on and can ruin furniture and paint.

  3. Remove the tops of the ornaments and set aside.

  4. Pour floor polish into the ornament.

    A little goes a long way, so pour just a little bit inside. Place your thumb or finger on the top and swish it around. Pour excess polish into a bowl or back into the floor polish container.

  5. Pour glitter into the ornament.

    A little goes a long way again, and you can use the funnel to make sure the glitter doesn't spill.

  6. Shake well and remove excess glitter.

    Place your finger or thumb on the opening of the ornament and shake well, making sure the glitter coats the entire inner surface. Shake out excess glitter into a bowl or other container.

  7. Replace top of ornament.

  8. Hang on your tree using a hook, string or ribbon.

Here is an example of another color that I used to make these glitter inside glass ornaments! I love them in any color, but there is just something about the red glass ornaments that screams Christmas cheer!

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101 responses to “How to Make Glitter In Glass Ornaments”

  1. Karah @ thespacebetweenblog says:

    Your ornaments came out great! I'm trying to make all homemade ornaments for my tree this year, which I also made out of driftwood. It's getting me in the holiday spirit. Hope your holiday season is great!

  2. Andrea @Oasis Accents says:

    What a great way to keep the glitter in/on the ornament and off of everything else!

    • Carol Rask says:

      I love what you said about having the glitter stay in and not outside and get on everything. I love glitter, but I hate that it gets all over on things.

      • I agree, Carol. There is nothing worse than a glitter never fully goes away!

  3. My daughter and I just made a ton of these and we just love them! You're are lovely!

    I'm happy to be your newest follower.

  4. So the wax is the trick! I was looking at those at the craft store the other day and wondered how to get the glitter to stick. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Andrea @Oasis Accents says:

    Thanks so much for linking up to Sunday's Best =)

  6. Anxiety in children says:

    Those are some beautiful ornaments. Homemade ormaments are extremely cool, because they can last a lifetime and remind you of good times many years later. I have a few simple ornaments that I made in elementary school, and they set me right back to that time every year when we decorate the tree.

  7. I bought mine @ Target, I am pretty sure you can get it at any store...Pledge sells floor wax in a blue container, I bought Bona.

  8. These are very nice. Tried to make some by swirling around glitter acrylic paint but they took FOREVER to dry and the colors weren't quite right. I will try this way.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Come check out our blog!

  9. Life Happens says:

    Very cute! I like the red ones.

  10. Cathy @My 1929 Charmer says:

    i am definitely going to try this. I have some clear ornamental bulbs for around the last 10 years that I've said I would do something with and haven't I'm going to do my in soft blues, into that since last holiday. thanks for showing how and sharing at Sunday's Best. Now following you.

  11. Hi Jessica, what a fabulous idea. Thank you so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  12. Anita Stafford says:

    These are very pretty and such a fun project!

  13. lostartofsimpleliving says:

    So cute! I linked you to my post today! :)

  14. Tonia @ says:

    What a cool idea! I never would've thought that you could use floor wax! Thanks for sharing this at What's In The Gunny Sack.

    • Carol Rask says:

      It's funny, but everytime I think of wax, I think of something that cools and hardens fast, not floor wax. So glad I heard this here on this site. So Cool!

      • Me's also called floor polish. It works so well for this project, but I had never used it for anything else. Thanks so much!

        • Can i use plastic ornaments?

          • Also wondering if plastic will work and how smelly/toxic is the floor polish? Wondering about using with a large number of children.

          • I haven't used it with plastic ornaments, but have heard that it works. The smell isn't very strong, but I cannot speak to the toxicity. I've made them with my kids for years, but with a large group of kids, it may be a good idea to have someone help with the floor was pouring part. Hope this helps!

  15. Those came out so great! I wish I had more time this year to make my own holiday things because these would definitely be on the list! Maybe next year..

    Right now we're linking up holiday projects at my blog if you wanted to join it would make my day :)

  16. Heather SettingforFour says:

    Luv! Great craft Jessica!! I love that turquoise glitter! Great start to Christmas!

  17. Hi I'm Shannon! says:

    Hey that's being a green blogger right?
    You recycled :)

    They are glittery. So I adore them!!!

  18. Janel from NellieBellie says:

    Love!!! Glitterfied ornaments are awesome!! These are great!

  19. Inspire Me Heather says:

    I love them because you can make them in custom colours, to suit your décor! Thanks for the idea, I'm Pinning this!

  20. Gwen @ The Bold Abode says:

    Oh, I was totally going to do this last year! I bought a gazillion ornaments, but I couldn't figure out how to do it from the inside... Bona wax. Brilliant! Thanks, girl!

  21. reFresh reStyle says:

    Oh my goodness! Love them and I will try to make some. Who knew you could use floor wax! I have plenty, not using it on the floor ;)
    *pinned :)

  22. Miss Lady Aga says:

    Thank you for the tip about the floor wax. Great Job!!


  23. Leslie Stewart says:

    These are great and look so easy! Thanks for sharing! I'd love for you to share them at my Twirl & Take a Bow party, if you have time…
    House on the Way

  24. Lucy Farmer says:

    These are so fun and I love the colors you used!!

  25. Desiree @ The 36th AVENUE says:

    I love this! So darn cute!

  26. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    Jessica...and that's floor wax?!....will have to try it as i have lots of floor wax!!....Beautiful ornaments!!

  27. AMAZING!! I am so excited to have glitter ornaments this Christmas :)

  28. Jennifer @ Town and Country Living says:

    I am soooo doing this!! Thanks for the tutorial.

  29. Four Marrs and One Venus says:

    Love em! Yes I do! Cute Cute Cute!!!!!!

  30. Super cute! I might have to make a ton of these for myself and for gifts!!

  31. Linda @ it all started with paint says:


    Super cute idea! And the wax idea versus glue is genius my friend!



  32. Holly Kennedy says:

    I love this soooooo much! What a clever girl! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely be making these!!!

  33. These are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing - I want to go make a thousand and, no, it is not too early for Christmas!

  34. Leslie Stewart says:

    Thanks so much for linking up your ornaments to my party! Stop by tomorrow to see them featured. Grab a "House Featured" button too, if you like.
    House on the Way

  35. Laura @ House Of Joyful Noise says:

    Beautiful!! I loved your tutorial too. I have a whole pack of empty glass ornaments just like that, that I picked up for a coin or 2 at a tag sale. The ideas of what to do with them are building, and now THIS is in the running too! Nice job, Jessica. Enjoy your Christmas season. :)

  36. Laura @ Our Prairie Home says:

    Okay... I gotta make me some of those!!! Love it! Thanks for the tutorial, Jessica!

  37. Erin Spain says:

    Love these! I'm totally going to make some. You made it look so easy.

    -Erin @ DIY On the Cheap

  38. Heidi @ Moms Crafty Space says:

    Cute! Love the video, Jess! I love that it seriously takes less than a minute and a half to make one, and now you have the proof! :)

  39. Love these! Now I know how to bling the box of clear ornaments I got at a Girl Scouts' yard sale this summer (priced 25 cents, I paid $1).

  40. Bonnie and Trish @ Uncommon says:

    These a re great jessica!! Love the video!! you go girl!! ;)

  41. Fairhope Supply Co. says:

    You had me at glitter.

    I would have never guessed floor wax was the secret ingredient!

    Glad I found you through Savvy Southern Style.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Great video Jessica!! Perfect tutorial!! Thanks for sharing you cute mom!

  43. Julie Boarder says:

    Wow, never in a million years would I think to try floor wax! They are terrific and I will be trying them with my boys (whether they want to or not! 15 and 12 year old boys are not very crafty).

    Thanks for the inspiration,


  44. Chelsea @ Making Home Base says:

    I love love love these glittered glam ornaments! I can't wait to make some! Great tutorial :)

  45. These are beautiful! I think I may need to stock up on some glass bulbs.

  46. twelveOeight says:

    You are genius! I love this idea, here from POP party and pinning away :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  47. This is a fab idea! Love the colors you chose too!

  48. Designed Decor says:

    Very pretty! Pinning from Debbiedoo's pinning party!

  49. folkhaven says:

    I love that you could totally customize your color scheme this way and not be limited to the colors of ornaments that happen to be selling any particular year. These are beautiful. Great job!

  50. Kelly @ JAX does design says:

    I got totally addicted to making glitter balls last year :-) I used a slightly different method, but the results are the same as yours - glittery & sparkly gorgeousness! Love the colours you used :-)

  51. Brittany Evans says:

    These are GORGEOUS! I am so, so, so excited to make these! I've never used glass balls before. Are they expensive and can I just find them at Michael's or Joann? Would plastic balls work? Thanks! I am so looking forward to making these! :)

  52. Life With Lucy says:

    These are beautiful! How in the world did you think of floor wax? Thanks for sharing!

  53. Anonymous says:

    Will Murphy's Oil Soap work? I have tile floors, so need for floor wax and would have to travel afar to get it for this weekend project . . . . guest may bring "mop & glo" tomorrow . . . I see these ideas on internet, but would like to get more feedback

  54. I was looking to make these exact ornaments when I received the Everyday Home blog and there they were!! The ornaments were easy to decorate and came out Beautiful! No mess or fuss. Thank you for helping my Christmas tree look more fantastic this year --- I told many ladies about making your ornaments and they were impressed! Thank you :-) Liz

  55. I was looking to make these exact ornaments when I received the Everyday Home blog and there they were!! The ornaments were easy to decorate and came out Beautiful! No mess or fuss. Thank you for helping my Christmas tree look more fantastic this year --- I told many ladies about making your ornaments and they were impressed! Thank you :-) Liz

  56. Just stumbling across this post now... How cute! Glitter seems to get EVERYWHERE with crafts over the holidays and you spend the next year finding it ha! I love how all of the glitter is inside for this craft. Might have to give it a try! : )

  57. Mary-Lauren says:

    WIll this work for shatterproof or plastic ornaments?

  58. These are beautiful great project to do with my 3yr old daughter. Can i use the plastic ornaments instead of glass?

    • Yes ma'am! The plastic ones work just as well! Good luck!!!

      • Please help! I love these, but after I made some, I gave one to a friend and all the glitter fell off the ornament to the bottom. What am I doing wrong?

        • I'm not sure why the glitter would fall, JoAnn. The floor wax works like glue once it hardens, and I have had mine for years with no issue.

  59. I can't find liquid floor wax, only in solid form. Is floor polish (what I can find made by Bona) the same thing? Do you need to let it dry out for a few days like glue or paint or does it harden and ready to go in a few minutes? Thanks!

    • The floor polish is perfect, and you don't want to wait for it to dry...use immediately! You are going to love them! ~Jess

  60. Wow, these are gorgeous!! I'm definitely adding them to my list of ornaments to make (if I can muster the creativity after these 12 days!).

  61. Another good one Jessica,great job as allways'...

  62. Jo kopena says:

    Can you use plastic instead of glass ornaments?7

    • Hi, Jo! Yes, you can absolutely use plastic instead of glass. At the time I made these, I didn't know they existed, but have used plastic ones a few times in the past couple of years. ~Jess

  63. Linda Forsyth says:

    Hey, I love making ornaments so I was so glad to see where you made the ornaments with glitter, good job!!

  64. How are they in years to come? Does the glitter stay stuck to the glass?

    • Hi, Brenda! I've had the same ones for years now. I only make more when I want to add some more colors. Hope this helps! ~Jess

  65. Christina says:

    Great idea! Your video is easy to follow and I love your Southern accent. Merry Christmas!

  66. Shirley @Housepitality Designs says:

    I love this idea Jessica!!!!! Bona? Who would have thought!...I have a gallon of it!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  67. Auntiepatch says:

    Great tutorial! Thanks!

  68. I filled an ornament with buttons for my granddaughter and I used buttons from her great grandma’s button box.

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