November 5, 2012

Hey y'all!  

Have a good weekend?  Do anything special?  We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but tomorrow we're going CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!  Cannot wait!  After we vote of course.  
This year I'm actually doing pretty good on my presents for everyone.  I usually just by things here and there and then get everything else at the last minute.  I'll probably still have some last minute shopping to do, but not the bulk of it.  I love everything that I have bought so far.  Dixie says my personality comes out in my gifts.  Hopefully, that's a good thing. :)

Well, here is a picture of our Church bulletin I put up a few weeks ago.  It's not exactly what I had pictured in my mind, but this is how it turned out.  Not too bad, if I do say so myself...and I do! :)  There is also a picture of the flowers our Mother arranged for our Church.  Aren't they perty?

Sorry if the pictures aren't that great. :(

Have a great day!
SMILE, GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

