Optimus Prime and Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana was really popular with the preteens that year, so that is what Emily wanted to be. I really liked the costumes people did where they were a Barbie doll in the box, so I talked Emily into being a Hannah Montana doll in a box. Her mother got a box and painted it pink. I printed out stickers and decals to decorate the box. We used a clear plastic shower curtain for the front and attached a brush and microphone to the box for the accessories. I cut out handles on the side of the box and attached some shoulder straps from an old backpack so that she could wear it. I also had some CD labels so I printed out a label that said “Hannah sings and talks, press here” and stuck it about chest level on the shower curtain. She dressed in her Hannah Montana gear and looked adorable.



Cody was all about Optimus Prime, so he wanted to be a transformer. In my quest to find information on how to make an Optimus Prime costume, I stumbled on a YouTube video of a guy making a costume that actually transformed. He showed step by step how he did it, so I enlisted the help of the Capt. and together we started making this costume. This was very difficult to do because Cody was not here to fit it on him so we were just going by measurements and hoping for the best. The heaviest part of the costume where the legs, they had to be sturdy enough to hold him when he transformed, so we used spare pieces of laminate flooring. The body was made out of cardboard and scraps of plastic and PVC pipe. I used little mirrors and reflectors for the lights and printed the logo on decal paper for the back.

When Cody walked in the room where the judges where, all eyes were on him. When he was in front of the judges, he began to transform for them and you should have seen the other fathers jumping over their own kids to see the transformation.

The wheels on the side where fake, but the Capt. put real wheels on the bottom so that it could actually roll when transformed into the semi truck.

Needless to say, this costume won 1st prize.




Although, these two costumes were amazing, they were very cumbersome for the kids to trick or treat in.

Here is the whole gang!


I can’t believe that I brought all of these costumes, excluding the box, with me on the airplane.

That in its self was a challenge!

Linking up here:


Market yourself Monday at Sumo’s Sweet Stuff
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
A marvelous mess at Marvelously Messy
Newbie Mondays at Debbiedoo’s
Monday LinkUp Party at Making The World Cuter
I Gotta Try That
Cupcakes and Crinoline
Design Dreams By Anne
Three Mango Seeds
It’s So Very Cheri


Get your craft on at Today’s Creative Blog
Take a look Tuesday at Sugar Bee Crafts
Show me what ya got at Not Just A Housewife
A Bowl Full Of Lemons
Tout it Tuesday at Claiming Our Space
home decorating and organizing link party at Organize Your Stuff Now
Uncommonly yours at Uncommon Designs


Look what I made at Creations by Kara
Lil Luna link party at Lil Luna
Wildly Original Roundup at I Gotta Create (7pm)
whimsical Wednesday blog hop at Random
Whimsy Wednesday at The NY Melrose Family


Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Creek Cottage (Wed night)
Hookin up party at House of Hepworths (Wed night)
Dog gone dirty craftin at Rhinestone Beagle
Made you look at Made in a Day


Frugal Friday at Shabby Nest (Thur night)
Friday flair at Whipperberry
Friday fun party at Craftionary
Fancy this Fridays at Truly Lovely
Freedom Fridays at My Turn (For Us)

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  1. Wow! Super creative. I’m sure there were a couple of very happy children.

  2. so super impressive and imaginative!

  3. Such cute ideas for costumes – love the Hannah Montana in a box! Very creative!

  1. Ironman And GI Joe Costumes « Creative Lady of the House

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