Inviting Warmth

“It’s the company that makes the meal, not the cooking.”

Isn’t it fun to go to friends’ homes for dinner and delight in their creativity?  Most of mine know that I will come with camera and snap away at their special touches, and thankfully they don’t mind if I share them with you.

This crisp fall night, the tablescape was warm and inviting.  Colors perfectly reflected the season, and guests couldn’t believe our hosts just happened to have the gold and orange color combination on hand!  Don’t you love the irregular shape?

I particularly liked the subtle sparkle of the napkins which were flounced in the stemmed wine glasses.

The creamy tablecloth was topped with a lovely brown runner with a wonderful detail at either end.

And the centerpiece was just the right combination of flowers softly illuminated by candlelight.

Together, all the elements combined for a beautiful table, contributed to a delightful atmosphere and reflected the hosts’ warmth and gracious personalities.

i love your comments, so jump right in and share yours

13 responses to “Inviting Warmth”

  1. Such a amazing table, love the flair of the napkins, love the gorgeous plates, all the rich colors, balanced with the lighter tones. Beautifully done.

  2. So pretty…that table runner is just gorgeous! Looks like a lovely evening!

  3. So pretty — love those plates — we’re all loving the shape of them. This is so elegantly simple — very pretty.

  4. Love the napkins with bling. That runner is stunning, and I think plates that aren’t round make such an interesting tablescape. This is lovely. laurie

  5. Yes it is the company not the cooking that makes the meal! Love your friend’s runner and the shape of those plates 🙂

  6. Your plates are so lovely. I am enamored with their shape and colors. The table runner is so special, and it sets a wonderful tone for your pretty tablescape. Thank you for sharing your charming design and for stopping by my post. Come visit any time! Cherry Kay

  7. I really love seeing a beautiful table. It looks so simple and elegant.

  8. Such an elegant fall table! I adore the shapes of the plates — they work so well together. And I love the use of “flounced” to describe the napkin placement! Thank you for your comments on my table this week.

  9. How fun to have a friend who shares in the fun of setting a pretty table. I love the tablerunner. The shapes of the plates really are striking. I so appreciate your kind comments on my blog.

  10. HOw fun to share her dinner party. What a abeautiful runner. The plates are indeed extraordinary. I love plates with unusual shapes. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I do like the shape of the plates, very unusual. The napkins go so nicely and lend a little bling!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing this table. It’s quite lovely. I love the color combination. The table runner is amazing.

  13. Yes, the shape of the plates is very interesting! Hope sinner was delicious!

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