Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Treasure Hunt ~ Tot School

                                      {Olivia is 37 months old, Preston is 6 months old}
Tot School 

We scoured our yard for "treasures"

 Makenna is try crabapples and then the girls are gluing their treasures down for a nature collage. We talked about what colors we saw, how the different items felt, and what we smelled. The roses and crabapples smelled wonderful together.
Livy's collage!
Makenna's collage. We used glue sticks and glue dots.

We made a Halloween count-down with fun Fall things to do each day. Some of the different things to look forward to are: painting our nails orange and black, having a cousins pumpkin playdate, having a Halloween costume party with friends and family, taking pictures and walks outside to see the changing colors, going on a family outing to the local pumpkin patch and hay maze, pumpkin printables and crafts, making pumpkin bread, and reading lots of books.

 Again the plans for a "Bb" week didn't happen...I can't wait until Preston is sleeping through the night. Or even a 5+ hour stretch would be wonderful. Until then I feel I am sleepily chugging along, trying to make the weeks fun and provide learning opportunities. Preston is also was so bad mid-week that we had to stay home from ballet lessons and church. I did try several Montessori ideas, they were a hit!

Sorting Jewels
Beads on pipecleaners
Sorting pasta

 This was her favorite! She LOVED rolling and unrolling her mat and sorting the different items. It kept her attention for at least 25 minutes for the first time she tried it!
Waiting on friends for a playdate...have to look extra fancy!

Preston news: He started army crawling this week!! We also got the walker out for him and he has a blast "walking" all over the kitchen. We also celebrated my Mom's birthday and the girls and I make dark chocolate brownies. :)

Playroom news: It is still the same. I will try to work on it more this week.

Don't forgot to visit others and see what they are up to for Tot School
Montessori MondayFor the Kids Friday


  1. Those nature collages turned out beautiful! I also like the Halloween countdown idea - I'll have to try that with my 3 year old twins..

  2. Is that mat the shelf protector thin foam? Great idea. We have some and I just might try it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thaleia~ that is shelf protector. Works great at keeping little beads and treasure from rolling everywhere.

  4. Beautiful nature work ... and great activities, Sarah! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and pinned it to my Kids' Fall Activities Board at
