Showing posts with label Kraftin' Kimmie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kraftin' Kimmie. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Roman Goddess

This card was done loooong time ago... But, only just now I am getting around to posting it.
While I was making it, I really missed Italy, Rome...
boy, that was looooong time ago. :)
Have I ever told you guys,
that was where I had my first fiance, and NO, he wasn't Italian, he was French.
That was VERY funny.
He was the tallest guy( Hi, Franko!) I have ever met,
I was the shortest girl-you'll ever meet.
He spoke:
French, Italian, English
And I spoke:
Russian and German
Day after we met-he proposed
(I was only 16!)
The problem was:---------
But, he did made me feel like a Goddess :)
Main image on this card is Kraftin' Kimmie Thalia
3 different paper punchers (Martha Stewart)
And background scene was made with Hobby Arts-stamps
Colored with distress ink pads
And Goddess was colored with Copic markers
Oh, almost forgot-Dove is Whiff of Joy stamp

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exchanged gifts

A couple of my works have arrived to the people, for whom I was making it, so today I can show you these:
These two are in Russia now.
I have made them for a fellow scrapper who's is in love with mermaids no less then I am
they are 6x6 and made so Lera can put them in her stunning book about mermaids
And you can also see the mermaid that Lera made for me

This one is in America, and I made her for another fellow scrapper-Kelly from

This one is 6x6 as well only on a canvas

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Scrap book -Mermaids

I was really bad ( I did showed my finished book at the Scrap Info, but I just didn't get around to post my whole book completed here in the blog. I acctually had a lot of fun :)
And was really exited to see works what other girls did. You can check out other finished works here
This is a collage of all the pictures in my book:

and all the text:

Listen for the haunting songs
That drift upon the breeze,
Enchanting sounds that beckon you
Towards the seven seas.
Come mermaid-seeker, follow me
To where the waters swirl,
Come, join the magic wonder
Of the underwater world....

An Enchanted Sea
Deep, deep down-deeper than
you can ever imagine-the dark cold sea
suddenly bursts into colour.
Here, shoals of dazzling fish dart in and out of the striking sea
 plants, and the light filled water sparkles a thousand shades of blue.

Meet the mermaids
If you peer behind these rocks, you might catch a glimpse of a real mermaid.
Half woman, half fish, these enchanting creatures dash through the waters, their shimmering tails flashing as they rush to meet friends and collect treasures.

Innocent Charm

Away from the troubles of the human world, the mermaids lead peaceful lives. They are honest, gentle,and loving, and always treat others as they would like to be treated themselves.

A mermaid's tail
Mermaids tails come in many different colours, with scales that can be polished to a high sheen. They are incredibly strong and allow mermaid to swim through even the roughest waters with ease.

Moon Bathing
On warm summer nights, mermaids rise up
through the many fathoms to the surface of the sea,
where they bathe under the moon's rays. Stretching out on Moon Bather's Rock,
they enjoy the touch of moonlight on their scales and draw strength from its mystical power.
It is on these trips that mermaids sometimes fall in love with sailors, whose ships have drifted into this strange, uncharted sea.

Jewels of the ocean
Mermaids are creative creatures and are skilled at making jewelry. Luckily for them, their kingdom is full of magnificent gems-amber in the rocks, crystals in the underwater caves and broken coral beneath the reefs. They are also given gleaming pearls by the oysters, their devoted friends. With these precious items, the mermaids make the prettiest tiaras, necklaces and bracelets.

Mermaid Beauty
With long flowing hair, shimmering scales, sparkling eyes and luminous skin, mermaids possess an almost unimaginable beauty. They groom themselves daily to preserve their glittering good looks, spending hours on the rocks with their mirrors, combing the tangles from the sea-swept hair.

Mermaids Music
Mermaids are known for their haunting melodies,
and voices so enticing that they have lured many sailors to their deaths. Those who have lived to tell the tale describe a mermaid's singing  as like a thousand angels pulling gently at the heart.
Mermaids themselves are unaware of the effect  their songs have on human ears. Singing is simply their way of communicating and brings them great happiness.

And here is how the book looks all together:
The book cover:
And 1st page:
I might do this again! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I am late! I am late! I am late!....

Because of my personal life, I am late in my blog for a few thing... as usual! :)
Oh, well...
we have a new challenge  which is to make an advent calendar
And I wanted just a simple, no fuss CALENDAR,
so this is what happened :)
My daughter Victoria was helping me all the way, telling me what and where to glue, and which image to stamp.
We just took a simple white blank page 12x12, stamped all X-mas stamps we could dig out from the shelves.
Then we added smaller square of Kraft paper, on top of it a page from Prima which with the help of a ruler we separated into different days, added all the embellishments and numbers.
Victoria likes it very much and wants to hang it in her room :)
Also, On the book project we all ready started the 6th step
This time it has to be a "secret" inside the picture, mine is inside the shell:
Mermaid opens the shell and on the inside she finds a shy sea horse.
As always, I am looking forward to see YOUR fab creations!
Thank you for stopping by.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Скрап-Инфо совместный проект, пятый этап!

Всем здравствуйте!

Сегодня у нас начинается уже пятый этап! Быстро время летит!!! Еще один, и будем собирать наши книжки!
Книжки у всех получаются просто прелесть, и с одной стороны хочется увидеть уже их в сборе все, а с другой стороны, жаль будет расставаться с такой теплой компанией. Когда еще можно будет порисовать в таком хорошем обществе.

Итак, задание этого этапа - сценка. Большая часть из вас рисует сценки, но мы запланировали это задание сразу, и решили его не менять. Те из вас кто в любом случае раскрашивает сценки, тот просто получит удовольствие от процесса, а кто нет, тому придется потрудиться, но я надеюсь, все-равно вы получите удовольствие от рисования.
Итак, на вашем рисунке должны взаимодействовать два и более объектов. Это могут быть живые существа или предметы, или растения, или всё вместе.

Моя картинка.
Что б сделать эту картинку я использовала 5 рарных тампов:
Волны, пальмы, дельфин и птицы-разные штампы разных компаний
Расскрашивала волны и небо я Дистресс подушечками, русалочку Копиками
затем волны я покрыла кое-где глиттером и глосси
Дельфина я тоже покрыла глосси для обьема.
Вот и все..

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 этап - источник света

Всем приветик!
Мы тут всей семейкой заболели, и в итоге я опаздываю с выкладом очередного задания, а оно у нас интересное!
 Мы начинаем 4 этап нашего совместного проекта - и задание такое - источник света. Всё очень просто, в вашей картинке должно присутствовать что-то, что светит - солнце, луна, свеча, фонарь, лампа, что угодно, лишь бы светило/освещало. Вы можете этот источник нарисовать сами, может отштамповать, ну и конечно он может быть в вашей картинке изначально. Тут уж как вам удобней.

Срок этого этапа до 31 октября. Новый этап начнется 1 ноября
На моей работе очередной и новый штампик Kraftin' Kimmie
Расскрашенно Копик маркерами, фон расскрашен чернильными подушечками, морская звезда сделанна с пудрой горячего эмбоссинга
камни, вода и луна штампики от Stampscapes
А это вот новая русалочка, которую я расскрассила, но покка еще не пристроила. За 2 недели
1-я расскрашенная мной картинка.
Картинка от Sureya
Она мне очень нравится и это моя первая русалочка которая не прячет ВСЕ свои "драгоценности"-наконец-то! :) у нее нет ни ракушек, ни еще чего-то в "этом" роде))


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Скрап-Инфо совместный проект


Начинается 3 этап нашего проекта по созданию книги!
Напоминаю, что еще можно успеть присоединиться к нам и сделать книгу до конца проекта.

Итак, задание этого этапа следующее - переход цвета. Рассказываю что это значит. Стараемся сделать плавный переход от совершенно разных цветов, например от желтого к зеленому, от красного к синему или фиолетовому, от синего к зеленому и т.д. Не берите похожие цвета, например желтый и коричневый, или красный и оранжевый. Берите разные и старайтесь их плавно соединить.

Кто не уверен в своих силах, обязательно потренируйтесь на ненужной бумажке. По смешивайте разные цвета.

Срок этого этапа до 21 октября. Новый этап начнется 22 октября.
На моей картинке использован штамп Kraftin' Kimmie
 Русалочка и рыбка расскрашенны Copic markers
Фон расскрашен Distress ink pads там у меня тоже переход от желтого к зеленому
пузырики сделанны при помощи Holographic embossing powder
А это мой текст к этой картинке:
Mermaid Beauty
With long flowing hair, shimmering scales, sparkling eyes and luminous skin, mermaids possess an almost unimaginable beauty. They groom themselves daily to preserve their glittering good looks, spending hours on the rocks with their mirrors, combing the tangles from the sea-swept hair.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Рисуем Книгу

Всем привет!
Сегодня начинается новый этап нашего с Дашей проекта - Рисуем Книгу. Срок приема работ до 10 октября. 11 октября начнется новое задание. Но еще совсем не поздно присоединиться к нашему проекту! Вы можете добавлять свои работы в соответствующие темы и участвовать!

А задание такое - раскрасить картинку, а затем добавить ей текстуру/фактуру. Вы можете добавить в работу глиттер, глосси, жидкий жемчуг. Вы можете использовать эмбоссинг, тиснение, текстурные пасты и т.д. и т.п. Главное, чтобы когда вы проводите пальцем по вашему рисунку, ощущалась текстурная поверхность.

Tекст к картинке:

Mermaids Music
Mermaids are known for their haunting melodies,

and voices so enticing that they have lured many sailors to their deaths. Those who have lived to tell the tale describe a mermaid's singing as like a thousand angels pulling gently at the heart.

Mermaids themselves are unaware of the effect their songs have on human ears. Singing is simply their way of communicating and brings them great happiness.

На моей русалочке (КК)
Хвост сделан с помощью пены для бритья, сверху покрыт глиттером. Звезды морские сделаны с помощью разного вида эмбоссинг-пудр - шершавая (дистресс) и гладкая. Звезды были отштамованы, покрыты пудрой и приклеены. Они получились очень выпуклыми, и имеют поверхность как настоящие морские звезды.

Ждем ваши работы!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Birthday Fishes

I think all of the blog land knows my love toward mermaids by now :)
I am NOT ashamed! They are cute and adorable, and look at the eyes! So much curiosity and good natured humor-who wouldn't LOVE them?!
So, if you love Kraftin' Kimmie stamps and would like to have fun, and win COOL stamps-(double YOUR pleasure :)) come and join Kraftin' Kimmies girls-here-all you have to do, is make a project with Kimmie's fun stamps for a birthday boy or a girl
And if you like this particular mermaid image-her name is Arianna
On my card everything is pretty simple:
I stamped the mermaid and fish and corals, made mask, covered, colored background with Distress ink pads and cosmetic sponges.
Colored Arianna and her friend with Copic markers, added some flowers, and pearls.
And my card is ready to be delivered.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Colors- Frank and Kitty

At Kraftin' Kimmie we have another fun challenge: "Fall Colors" I had to do this image-it was requested by my son, and so... I had to go and buy it just because HE insisted he wanted it for his B-day! (which was in August) but, he agreed to wait. You see, for all the fans of the newest game "Zombies Vs Plants" which my son just cannot get enough at this time, this is just the perfect image for a B-card :) oh, well, Frank is so cute and adorable I WANTED him too, (love the look an the cat's face-he, he)...
Well, since it is for a boy... I kept it simple, just some plain cardstock, and a simple language in a way-which is what I imagine Frank would be using.
And of course! I colored my image in a Fall Colors! :)-My son LOVED the card!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Meow-y Christmas

This is the last day of Blog Hop at KK,
And I made this little decoration with a Kitty stamp which I just absolutely L-O-V-E!!!
I stamped image on a shrink plastik, colored with pencils, shrank, glued to a blank round coaster, added some Bling and embelishments, on the back side is (my favorite!) :) sentiment-I think I am goint to keep this one, but, will make more of these for presents for my kids teachers for the holidays.
 This fun and Cheerful image I just had to do it on a Kraft paper-I don't know why-it was just asking to be on it! And I have to tell you a little secret-I have never colored on Kraft paper before!
It was an experiment-which I totally enjoyed. I know... I know... I do need more experience, but, I still liked it :) My Kitty has a texture, he's warm and fuzzy, and he wants to make your holidays fun! But, he's mine:)
You can "adopt" one for yourself  here at Kraftin' Kimmie :)

Annie's Artwork

Well, first when I got this stamp, I wanted to do something different, something I have NEVER done before! So, when I saw this pretty brad in the center of the flower-I went CRAZY! :) And made girls shirt matching-it was fun I used all sort of colors-green, red, and gold Smooch for a opalescent shimmer. Card looks simple, but shirt and the pin, and matching "snowflakes" on the background paper kind of came all together for a nice and elegant card-My opinion of course ))
By the way-this stamp is also from Kraftin' Kimmie's new collection-come check all the new stuff.
You can join us for the new challenge, you can use ANY of your favorite Kimmie stamps with this scetch, and who knows... might win a delicious prize :)

On this card I changed scetch just a touch, I dry embossed pine trees, colored and cut out image of the girl, glued snowflakes, roling snow hills, and aren't those perls look like snow balls? :)
And the sentiment turned into a giant snowball, maybe this lady is planning to build a snowman?
Well, I hope you are enjoying all the prewiews, I sure do! There are so much talent, I am in awe.
Getting enspired every day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Emilie's Etchings

Holiday Krafty Peeks.....Day Three!!
Emilie's Etchings-This adorable and funny elf is another fantastic stamp from Kraftin' Kimmies-come and check all of them out!
Mine I colored with Copic markers, I used some pretty old Xmas papers from my stash-don't even know who the maker is-I assume it's from DCWV.
 Ribbon and a buckle I got as a gift when I bought some goodies from ebay, flower-I made myself with white plain paper and some tissue, a little green lace and a pin-and I was done :) But the expression on that poor little elf -is priceless! :)-How cute, huh?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Holiday Lulu

Is the new stamp from Kraftin' Kimmie Cheryl Alger Designs, and these adorable girls remind me of my nieces Liana and Jessica, sweet cute and adorable!
They look like little angels, but they hide mischief in their eyes-watch out mama! :)
For this card I have used all sort of different paper: Kraft and  plain white cardstock,  fantastic paper from last years collection from Echo park.
Die cuts are from Memory Box, Prima flower, rhinestones.
Background I colored with distress ink-aged mahogany, girls are colored with Copic markers, cut out by hand and attached with foam Scotch tape. And a little crystal star pin finishes the whole ideal picture.

And ALL the new stamps will be available on Sunday at the KKStamps Shop!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Holiday Trinkets

I always think of Holidays with two different feelings, which contradict each other :)
I LOVE the smells of Thanksgiving and Christmas: baking cookies, roasting turkey, smell of evergreen and pine and of course the pumpkin pie!
Hectic times, time with family and friends, and time when your feet just want to fall off your body! LOL-that is ME!-well, this stamp is a 100%-ME at those times, crazy busy very wide eyed too!-(hoping NOT to burn my turkey or the pie!)
Kraftin' Kimmie never met me, but sure captured me in all my glory!
Today I combined two things- Kraftin' Kimmie MERRY image and a new and FAB trinket, which is quite perfect for all styles of cards for Holidays-come and check them out at Kraftin' Kimmies store and blog
This card I have made in a different shape, than I usually do-for that I have to say: "Thank you" Nancy D-her wonderful card inspired me.
On this card I also used Cheery Lynn dies-X-mas tree
Marianne dies-holly leaves and berrries
Holographic hearts-stickers
Merry is dressed in paper picing from Crafty Secrets paper and the rest of her is colored with Copic markers.
Base of the card is Crafty Secrets -Fantastic paper and looks like wallpaper :)-I can smell the Holidays allready! :)
What about you?


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