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3 août 2012 5 03 /08 /août /2012 21:16

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


It's been a while for a number of reasons... being busy with work, being busy with the house, being busy with the garden, being busy with life, being unable to find my place was on Blogland, being too tired to even type or upload pictures in the evening...


Cela fait bien longtemps que je n'ai pas donné de nouvelles de la Petite Maison... Mais entre le boulot et les aléas bien énervants de la vie de remplaçante, la restauration de la maison à gérer, le jardin à désherber (si, si, même si ça ne se voit pas, je désherbe tout le temps!), je n'avais plus le temps et le courage d'écrire ou de charger des photos ke soir venu.




It only seemed I was sleeping... I didn't sleep that much actually... But as I'm currently studying fairy tales, it seemed an appropriate title!


I don't even know where to begin with everything I could show... "Where to begin? " was a question that popped in my mind everytime I had a second to read your posts and to think about re-writing mine.


Je voulais tout de même vous donner des nouvelles du projet qui m'a occupé la majeure partie de mon temps depuis le début de cette année: le verger.




So I finally decide to resume where I stopped: the garden, or rather the "verger".


mao 098


I never thought it would be so much work to transform the "nothingness" that was there in my dream "verger". Weeding is a constant occupation... On the plus side, it has shaped my arms in a lovely way... I feel like I'm Madonna (I always thought she had lovely arms when I was a young girl with skinny arms).




I have a few fruits this year and I hope to have more in the next years.




Can you see there's something new in my "verger"? Fingers crossed, time permitting, Internet connexion permitting, you might know what it is in a few days...


Magali, from the Little White House xxx



I'm bringing my fruits to the following parties:



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I nearly misspelt my own blog then - embarrassing!!<br /> <br /> Are you okay? It's all been a bit quiet from your blog...I miss your posts.<br /> <br /> Sarahxx
<br /> <br /> That is such a sweet comment... Life has been a little more complicated than usual lately... But I'll be back with news from the Little White House soon. I'm still making time to read your blog,<br /> though, usually with my morning tea!<br /> <br /> <br /> Magali xxx<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Oooh, lucky you with so many redcurrants! I planted our redcurrant bush two years ago and this year we got about ten currants!! I have high hopes for next year!<br /> <br /> I'm glad you found time to post again!<br /> <br /> Sarahx
<br /> <br /> The redcurrants bushes were there before I bought the house. But I planted two blueberry bushes last year and I had exactly 12 blueberries this summer, all of them have been eaten by feathered<br /> ennemies...<br /> <br /> <br /> Thanks for stopping by.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Tes petits fruits sont bien beaux ! Dommage que les oiseaux les aiment bien aussi ! L'année prochaine, pense au filet de protection !
<br /> <br /> Mais, il faut bien que les petits oiseaux se nourrissent... J'envoie de nouveau Shadow faire la chasse, il est assez efficace.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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