Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Dining Room and Tablescape

Welcome to my Haunted Dining Room~ I put up my handmade Cricut banner and garland and twinkle lights... JUST FOR YOU! I set out the black ceramic plates and orange soup bowls with my favorite spider web napkins and table runner from Kohl's!
I filled all of my apothecary jars!
And I labeled them as to not confuse you between the candy corn and the plastic fangs.
Mr. Glittery Skeleton is standing guard...
He is making sure you only take one "sucker"!!!!

Now that we are all decorated for the favorite Lombardo holiday, we have to decide on the menu for our Halloween Day Pumpkin Carving Party!
Joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Hop on over and look at all the gorgeous tablescapes!
I am thankful I had a reminder for Centerpiece Wednesday! Pleas hop on over for more Halloween ideas (I recommend clicking on Purple Chocolate Home to see her fabulous witchypoo tea party!)


  1. Oh my goodness. YOur decorations are just unreal. You have done it up perfectly. Love the table vignette, the skeleton is fabulous and the hutch is lovely. What a fun dining room. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. That is totally cool. I love your Halloween set up. It's going to be perfect for your Pumpkin Carving Party. What a great idea.

    Thank you so much for sharing your photos,
    Susan @ clucklebees

  3. Cute, cute, cute, lovin' your table! Mr. Glittery Skeleton is the best:@)

  4. What a great table and buffet you have set! I only wish that I could see more close-ups of it. Joni

  5. Love your table and that cricut banner is very cool!

  6. Wow! You went all out! I love all the attention to detail that you have. I'm your newest follower, so hope you will stop over and visit me too! Maybe you'll like it enough to stay awhile, who knows? Have a great week! Sandi

  7. Wow! You really went all out!!! Great! Mr. Glittery Skeleton is the coolest!!!

  8. Love all the detail! So many cool decorations! Great job!

  9. So many fun things to look at. Great ideas! Come link up to Centerpiece Wed on my blog and share your ideas with us.


  10. Perfectly over the top with just the right quotient of creepy for Halloween. Thank you for sharing your creative design. Cherry Kay
