Two Topiaries and a Tablescape

Two topiaries and a tablescape, not to be confused with two turntables and a microphone-although that is a cool song 🙂 (Stuck in your head now?)

I know I’ve been MIA lately, so busy with this other thing called LIFE!

I’m curious to know how you other bloggers out there keep up! Of course, family is numero uno, and then you have the job, the house, the friends, the extra responsibilities that pop up-all with total disregard to the HOBBY! It seems like projects always take a longer time than planned and bada bing bada BAM– it’s a week later! Cue the dryer buzzer, right?!

I know y’all are in the same lovely, little boat, the SS MOM– the boat that keeps it ALL afloat! By the way, you’re doing a great job 🙂 Pat on the back for us! Big X to you!

Anywho… On with the pretty!

I’m always on the lookout for something with height. I think balance is one of the most important things about creating a vignette. Topiaries are a great way to add height, color, and texture.

I had some styrofoam balls leftover from other stuff, but next time I’m saving money and making my own balls. I hate I can’t remember where I saw the idea, but it’s easy to make them. Just wod up newspaper and duct tape it into a ball.

I love the gray and yellow paper.

To make the flowers, cut out heart shapes. I found it best to make 1 inch squares and fold in half and cut hearts to keep them uniform size. You could also use a punch or a cutting machine.

Fold the hearts in half, pattern side facing in. Then fold back the sides of each heart, pattern side out. It gives the flowers some depth. Glue them slightly overlapping around a circle.

When you pin them into the ball, it takes some bending and shaping to get them to cover everything. I liked keeping it simple by using plain, yellow buttons for centers. I tried out different beads, sequins, pom poms, even squiggled up pieces of pipe cleaner, but the buttons were best for this one.

To make the ric rac roses, first cut two pieces the same length and braid. Then roll up, keeping it tight at first and then a little looser. This will help when you start bending the pedals back.  Glue the two ends to the bottom and glue a circle of fabric to the bottom to keep it all from unraveling.  Starting with the outer edge fold each pedal back going round and round til it gets too tight near the center. When you’re pulling them back, push them down-you really have to show it who’s boss or it will flip back up.

When you glue it onto the ball, you have to let some of the edges overlap to cover it all up. There were a few little gaps that I covered with some rolled up balls of the ric rac.

I knew this one was going up on the higher shelf, so I cheated a little and didn’t cover the entire foam piece in grass. I’ll add some more later, but I got tired of messing with it.

So here’s the whole tablescape! TA DA! Once again an old bench- imagine that-me having an old bench! Honey is just SO happy-(not).

I’m really loving using scrapbook paper for a table runner. So many possibilities!

I found these old metal letter shaped cookie cutters while out junkin with my daddy. They’re so sweet! As long as your word doesn’t need more than one of each letter!  I can’t seem to stop using these $1 lamps I junked up with a minnow trap shade. I thought I’d add a little color and pizzazz with a little button garland. Love the little bird cloche with ribbon nest and stone eggs!

The linens were embroidered by my very own grandma. I’ve had that shelf for about 25 years! It’s been through a lot!

I know it’s time to take down the bunnies and the Easter tree. I’m waiting for inspiration for what to do next.

If you missed the post about the “Let’s Party” paint stir sign, check it out here: Spring: LeT’s PaRtY!

I’m really leaning toward an antique bicycle theme for early summer deco. Watcha think?  What are you doing for summer?

wednesday's wowzers
Pincushion Creations>Lil\'Luna
Ivy and Elephants

made in a day
The 36th AVENUE

Somewhat Simple shabby creek cottagebutton52 MantelsHookingupwithHoH



Funky Junk's Saturday Nite SpecialPoofy Cheeks

22 thoughts on “Two Topiaries and a Tablescape

  1. Pingback: Baby's New Favorite Toy -

  2. Pingback: SPRING: LeT’s PaRtY ! | making dreams into decor & decor dreamy daily

  3. Drooling like crazy over the bench! If your hubby says it has to go…well, I sort of agree- send it my way;)
    Can’t wait to see what you end up doing for summer! Old bikes sound super cool. Thanks for following, I am happy to follow back!

  4. Your Spring Mantle is just too stinkin’ cute. I’m in love with the purple topiary. I am so pinning it & recreating it another time. Thanks for sharing.

    Sapphire @ Life with My Pollitos

  5. How cute is this! Love your spring mantle… that lamp is amazing! And I’m in love with the little bench and hanging shelf. I wanted to come visit and thank you for your sweet comment at burlap and buttons! I’m following along with you now too! Hope to see you again soon! Hey, happy Friday!

  6. wow, everything is so cute. I wish I had 1/4 of the talent you and the other craft people have. You all are so talented.

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